
This module provides utilities for visually inspecting star identification and attitude estimation results.

In general, the only functions a user will directly interface with from this module are the show_id_results() which shows the results of performing star identification and attitude estimation, residual_histograms() which shows histograms of the residuals, and plot_residuals_vs_magnitude() which generates a scatter plot of residuals as a function of star magnitude. The other contents of this model are used for manual outlier inspection, which is typically done by using the review_outliers() method.



The class is used to represent an outlier shown to the user for review via the function show_outlier() and to store the user's choice whether or not to remove the outlier from the matched star pairs.



This function generates a figure for each turned on image in sopnav showing the star identification results, as well as a couple figures showing the residuals between the predicted catalogue star locations and the image star locations for all images combined.


This function generates histograms of the matched star residuals for a given stellar opnav object.


This function generates a scatter plot of x and y residuals versus star magnitudes from the matched catalogue stars for a given stellar opnav object.


This function generates a scatter plot of x and y residuals versus image temperature from the matched catalogue stars for a given stellar opnav object.


This function generates a figure for a specified outlier in the given image number in sopnav.