
This package provides the required routines and objects to identify stars in an image and to estimate attitude based on those identified stars.


In GIANT, Stellar OpNav refers to the process of identifying stars in an image and then extracting the attitude information from those stars. There are many different sub-steps that need to be performed for all parts of Stellar OpNav, which can lead to cluttered scripts and hard to maintain code when everything is thrown together. Luckily, GIANT has done most of the work for us, and created a simple single interface to perform all portions of Stellar OpNav through the StellarOpNav class.

The StellarOpNav class is generally the only interface a user will require when performing Stellar OpNav, as it provides easy access to every component you need. It also abstracts away most of the nitty gritty details into 2 simple method calls id_stars() and estimate_attitude() which means you can perform Stellar OpNav without an in depth understanding of what’s going on in the background (though at least a basic understanding certainly helps). That being said, the substeps are also exposed throughout GIANT, so if you are doing advanced design or analysis it is easy to get these components as well.

This package level documentation only focuses on the use of the class and some techniques for successfully performing Stellar OpNav (in the upcoming tuning section). To see behind the scenes of what’s going on, refer to the submodule documentations from this package (stellar_class, star_identification, and estimators).

Tuning for Successful Stellar OpNav

The process of tuning the Stellar OpNav routines is both a science and an art. In general, you should be able to find a single set of tuning parameters that applies to a number of similar images (similar exposure times, similar scene, etc), but this often takes a decent amount of experimentation. With this section, we hope to introduce you to all the different nobs you can turn when performing Stellar OpNav and give you some basic tips to getting a good tuning for a wide range of images.

The primary goal with tuning in Stellar OpNav is to successfully identify a good number of stars in every image. In general, at least 2 stars are required for each image to be able to solve for an updated rotation matrix for the image, but in practice it is best to get at least 4, and generally more is better. In addition, it may frequently be useful to perform other types of analysis on the images using identified stars, and in these cases more is almost always better. Therefore we will be shooting to get the tuning that provides the most correctly identified stars as possible.

Each of the parameters you will need is discussed briefly in the following table. ImageProcessing attributes can easily be accessed through the image_processing property, while StarID attributes can easily be accessed through the star_id attribute. For more detailed descriptions of these attributes see the ImageProcessing or StarID documentation.




This function is used to compute the subpixel center of the points of interest in the image. Changing this function can change where your image points are identified.


This contains the image denoising function. This function is used to attempt to remove a little bit of the noise in the image (generally by smoothing the image). Having a good denoising routine can make the process of identifying stars in the image much easier. A simple gaussian blur (the default image denoising function) is generally a good denoising function for star images.


The image denoising function keyword arguments as a dictionary. These arguments are passed to the denoising function along with the image to be denoised. Adjusting these parameters may change how well the denoising function performs its job.


The flag specifying whether to use the denoising function on the images or not. If you are using a decent ImageProcessing.image_denoising function then it is generally best to have this set to True as it will make star identification easier.


The size of the sub-image to use when centroiding a point of interest. Changing the size of this parameter changes how big of a widow is centeroided when identifying the subpixel centers of points of interest in the image. The value for this depends on the centroiding function you are using, but typical values range anywhere from 1 (3x3 grid) to 10 (21x21 grid) depending on the centroid function used and the expected PSF of the camera. If you are using a centroid function that doesn’t estimate background then smaller is usually better.


The threshold to use when identifying points of interest in an image. This largely controls how many image points of interest are extracted from the image. The higher this number is, the less points of interest that will be extracted. In general you want to set this fairly high for an initial identification (in the range of 20-40) and then lower for a subsequent identification (in the range of 8-20).


The maximum size for a blob before it is no longer considered a point of interest. This can be used to exclude extended bodies, however, it also can exclude really bright stars if set too low. Generally a setting of about 100 is good, which corresponds to a 10x10 window of points above the threshold.


The minimum size for a blob before it is no longer considered a point of interest. This can be used to exclude noise spikes from being identified as points of interest, but it can also exclude very faint stars. Generally a setting of 2-5 is good for an initial identification, and a setting of 1-2 is good for a subsequent identification trying to get dim stars.


A flag specifying whether to include blobs which contain saturated pixels as points of interest or not. In general you should set this flag to True, as overexposed pixels can severely degrade the centroiding accuracy.


The maximum magnitude to retrieve when querying the star catalogue. The star magnitude is an inverse logarithmic scale of brightness, which means the larger the magnitude, the dimmer the star. In general this should be set fairly low for an initial identification, and then set higher for a subsequent identification of dimmer stars.


The maximum number of combinations to try when performing the RANSAC star identification. The higher this number, the more likely a combination of correctly identified stars will be processed; however, the amount of computation time will also increase. In general values between 500 and 1000 provide a good tradeoff between speed and accuracy.


The maximum initial separation between a catalogue star and an image star for a pair to be formed. Setting this parameter correctly is one of the most crucial components of getting good star identification results. For the first identification, this number must encompass the errors in the projected star locations due to the error in the star catalogue (generally small), the error in the centroiding of the image points of interest (generally small), the error caused by the camera model (may be small or large), and the error caused by the attitude error for the image (generally large). After the initial identification, the attitude error is largely removed and this value can be set much smaller. The correct value for this parameter can vary widely from camera to camera and spacecraft to spacecraft so there are no good rough estimates to provide for this setting.


The maximum separation between a catalogue star and an image star for a pair to be formed after correcting the attitude in the RANSAC routine. This value should generally be set fairly small since the attitude error should be removed correctly for a correct RANSAC iteration. If there is a good camera model and good star catalogue being used then setting this between 1-5 is usually appropriate.


Check if two catalogue stars fall within the pair tolerance for a single image point of interest. In general, you may want to set this to False for an initial ID, and then set it to True for a subsequent ID when trying to identify dimmer stars.


Check if two image points of interest fall within the pair tolerance for a single catalogue star. In general, you may want to set this to False for an initial ID, and then set it to True for a subsequent ID when trying to identify dimmer stars.

As you can see, there are 3 different processes that need tuned for a successful star identification, the image processing, the catalogue query, and the identification routines themselves. The following are a few suggestions for attempting to find the correct tuning.

  • Getting the initial identification is generally the most difficult; therefore, you should generally have 2 tunings for an image set.

  • The first tuning should be fairly conservative in order to get a good refined attitude estimate for the image. (Remember that we really only need 4 or 5 correctly identified stars to get a good attitude estimate.)

    • denoise_flag turned on

    • poi_threshold set fairly high (around 20-40)

    • a large initial tolerance–typically greater than 10 pixels. Note that this initial tolerance should include the errors in the star projections due to both the a priori attitude uncertainty and the camera model

    • a smaller but still relatively large ransac_tolerance–on the order of about 1-5 pixels. This tolerance should mostly reflect a very conservative estimate on the errors caused by the camera model as the attitude errors should largely be removed

    • a small max_magnitude–only allowing bright stars. Bright stars generally have more accurate catalogue positions and are more likely to be picked up by the ImageProcessing algorithms

    • the max_combos set fairly large–on the order of 500-1000

  • After getting the initial pairing and updating the attitude for the images (note that this is done external to the calls to id_stars()), you can then attempt a larger identification with dimmer stars

  • If you are having problems getting the identification to work it can be useful to visually examine the results for a couple of images using the show_id_results() function.


Below shows how stellar opnav can be used to id stars and estimate attitude corrections. It assumes that the generate_sample_data script has been run already and that the sample_data directory is in the current working directory. For a more in depth example using real images, see the tutorial.

>>> import pickle
>>> from pathlib import Path
>>> # use pathlib and pickle to get the data
>>> data = Path.cwd() / "sample_data" / "camera.pickle"
>>> with'rb') as pfile:
>>>     camera = pickle.load(pfile)
>>> # import the stellar opnav class
>>> from giant.stellar_opnav.stellar_class import StellarOpNav
>>> # import the default catalogue
>>> from giant.catalogues.giant_catalogue import GIANTCatalogue
>>> # form the stellaropnav object
>>> sopnav = StellarOpNav(camera, image_processing_kwargs={'centroid_size': 1, 'poi_threshold': 10},
...                       star_identification_kwargs={'max_magnitude': 5, 'tolerance': 20})
>>> sopnav.id_stars()
>>> sopnav.sid_summary()  # print a summary of the star id results
>>> for _, image in camera: print(image.rotation_inertial_to_camera)  # print the attitude before
>>> sopnav.estimate_attitude()
>>> for _, image in camera: print(image.rotation_inertial_to_camera)  # print the attitude after
>>> # import the visualizer to look at the results
>>> from giant.stellar_opnav.visualizer import show_id_results
>>> show_id_results(sopnav)



This module provides a subclass of the OpNav class for performing stellar OpNav.


This module provides the star identification routines for GIANT through the StarID class.


This module provides the ability to find the rotation that best aligns 1 set of unit vectors with another set of unit vectors.


This module provides utilities for visually inspecting star identification and attitude estimation results.



This class serves as the main user interface for performing Stellar Optical Navigation.


The StarID class operates on the result of image processing algorithms to attempt to match image points of interest with catalogue star records.


This class estimates the rotation quaternion that best aligns unit vectors from one frame with unit vectors in another frame using Davenport's Q-Method solution to Wahba's problem.


The class is used to represent an outlier shown to the user for review via the function show_outlier() and to store the user's choice whether or not to remove the outlier from the matched star pairs.



This function generates a figure for each turned on image in sopnav showing the star identification results, as well as a couple figures showing the residuals between the predicted catalogue star locations and the image star locations for all images combined.


This function generates a figure for a specified outlier in the given image number in sopnav.