

Generate sample images and camera meta-data for doing the examples included throughout the documentation.

This script should only need to be run once per install and only if you want to work through the examples that are included in the documentation.

This script makes a new directory called “sample_data” in the current directory and stores the sample images in that directory.

This script can take a while to run so it is recommended that you use nohup and allow it to run in the background.


This script loads/saves some results from/to python pickle files. Pickle files can be used to execute arbitrary code, so you should never open one from an untrusted source. While this script should only be opening pickle files created locally on your machine by GIANT, we wanted to warn you about the risk. To be extra sure you can check that “./sample_data/kdtree.pickle” either doesn’t exist or was created by you at a recognized time stamp.


Generate the sample data used for the examples in the GIANT documentation

usage: generate_sample_data [-h]

WARNING: This script loads/saves some results from/to python pickle files. Pickle files can be used to execute arbitrary code, so you should never open one from an untrusted source.



The camera model to translate directions in the camera frame to points on an image and vice-versa.


The camera point spread function.



Return the inertial position of the camera at the requested time.


Return the a priori camera orientation from the inertial frame to the camera frame at the requested time


Return the inertial position of Itokawa


Return the a priori knowledge of the orientation of Itokawa with respect to the inertial frame.


Return the a priori inertial location of the sun.


Return the rotation from the sun fixed frame to the inertial frame.