
giant.scripts.generate_sample_data.MODEL: BrownModel = BrownModel(fx=3470.0, fy=3470.0, px=1260.0, py=950.0, alpha=0.0,            field_of_view=25.0, k1=-0.5, k2=0.3, k3=-0.2, p1=2e-05, p2=8e-05,            misalignment=array([0., 0., 0.]), a1=0.0, a2=0.0, a3=0.0, n_rows=1944, n_cols=2592,            estimation_parameters=['basic'], use_a_priori=False) 

The camera model to translate directions in the camera frame to points on an image and vice-versa.

This is the model used to render the sample data.