

class giant.stellar_opnav.visualizer.OutlierCallback(outlier_number, image_number, centroid, plot)[source]

The class is used to represent an outlier shown to the user for review via the function show_outlier() and to store the user’s choice whether or not to remove the outlier from the matched star pairs.

This typically is not used by the user directly. See review_residuals() or show_outlier() instead.

  • outlier_number (int) – The index of the outlier in the matched_ properties of the StellarOpNav class

  • image_number (int) – The index of the image in the camera attribute of a StellarOpNav instance where the outlier represented by OutlierCallback was found

  • centroid (ndarray) – The pixel coordinates of the outlier in the image

  • plot (Figure) – The plot of the outlier

outlier_number: int

The number of the outlier in the image

image_number: int

Image number

centroid: ndarray

Observed location

plot: Figure

The plot which shows the outlier in question

removed: bool

A flag specifying whether the outlier has been removed by the user


This method sets the removed flag to 1 and closes the plot.


This method closes the plot.