

giant.stellar_opnav.visualizer.show_id_results(sopnav, pdf_name=None, flattened_image=False, log_scale=False)[source]

This function generates a figure for each turned on image in sopnav showing the star identification results, as well as a couple figures showing the residuals between the predicted catalogue star locations and the image star locations for all images combined.

For each individual figure, the matched catalogue projected star locations are shown with one marker, the matched image points of interest are shown with another marker, the unmatched catalogue projected star locations in the field of view are shown with another marker, and the unmatched image points of interest are shown with another marker. In addition, an array is drawn indicating the residuals for the match star pairs.

You must have called id_stars() at least once before calling this function.

If pdf_name param is not None, the figures will be saved to a pdf file of the same name.

If flattened_image is set to True, then the individual figures will show the flattened image that is used for initial detection of possible stars in the image. Typically this should be left to False unless you are having issues finding stars and want to inspect the image to see what is going on.

If log_scale is set to True then the individual images are shown using a logarithmic scale to help make stars stand out more from the background. This is generally a fairly useful feature and is used frequently.


This function generates 1 figure for every image in your StellarOpNav instance, which can really slow down your computer if you have a lot of images loaded and turned on. To avoid this problem, try turning some of the images off using the image_mask attribute before using this function, or save to pdf instead.

  • sopnav (StellarOpNav) – The StellarOpNav instance containing the star identification results

  • pdf_name (Path | str | None) – Label of the star id results to be shown. Used as the file name for saving figures to pdf

  • flattened_image (bool) – A boolean flag specifying whether to show the flattened image instead of the raw image

  • log_scale (bool) – A boolean flag specifying whether to use a logarithmic scale for the image intensity values.