
giant.stellar_opnav.visualizer.residual_histograms(sopnav, individual_images=False, pdf_name=None)[source]

This function generates histograms of the matched star residuals for a given stellar opnav object.

Typically, 3 histograms are created in a single figure. The first shows the histogram of all residuals (both column and row) for all images. The second shows the histogram of just the column residuals for all images. The third shows the histogram of just the row residuals for all images. Optionally, if you specify individual_images to be True then this function will generate a single figure for each image turned on in sopnav showing the three histograms described previously. If using this option it is recommended to save the plots to a PDF instead of showing interactively because many figures would be opened, possibly causing your compute to slow down.

You must have called id_stars() at least once before calling this function.

If the pdf_name param is provided, the figures will be saved to a pdf file of the same name, and will not be displayed interactively.

  • sopnav (StellarOpNav) – The stellar opnav object to plot the histograms for

  • individual_images (bool) – A flag specifying whether to generate a single histogram for all images or no

  • pdf_name (Path | str | None) – Used as the file name for saving the figures to a pdf