
giant.stellar_opnav.visualizer.plot_residuals_vs_magnitude(sopnav, individual_images=False, pdf_name=None)[source]

This function generates a scatter plot of x and y residuals versus star magnitudes from the matched catalogue stars for a given stellar opnav object.

Generally, this function will generate a single scatter plot showing the residuals vs magnitude across all images, however, if you specify individual_images as True, then in addition to the summary plot, a single plot will be made showing the residuals vs magnitude for each image.

You must have called id_stars() at least once before calling this function.

If the pdf_name param is provided, the figures will be saved to a pdf file of the same name, and will not be displayed interactively.

  • sopnav (StellarOpNav) – The stellar opnav object to plot the scatters for

  • individual_images (bool) – A flag specifying whether to generate individual plots for each image in addition to the plot spanning all images

  • pdf_name (Path | str | None) – Used as the file name for saving the figures to a pdf