

class giant.relative_opnav.relnav_class.RelativeOpNav(camera, scene, extended_body_cutoff=3, save_templates=False, image_processing=None, image_processing_kwargs=None, cross_correlation=None, cross_correlation_kwargs=None, unresolved=None, unresolved_kwargs=None, ellipse_matching=None, ellipse_matching_kwargs=None, limb_matching=None, limb_matching_kwargs=None, moment_algorithm=None, moment_algorithm_kwargs=None, sfn=None, sfn_kwargs=None, **kwargs)[source]

This class serves as the main user interface for performing relative optical navigation.

The class acts as a container for the Camera, ImageProcessing, and Scene instances as well as for instance of all of the registered RelNav techniques. By default the registered RelNav techniques are XCorrCenterFinding to cross_correlation, EllipseMatching to ellipse_matching, LimbMatching to limb_matching, MomentAlgorithm to moment_algorithm, and UnresolvedCenterFinding to unresolved. Besides storing all of these objects, it handles data transfer and collection between the different objects. Therefore, in general this class will be the exclusive interface for doing Relative OpNav.

For each registered technique, this class provides a few useful capabilities. First, it creates a property that returns the current instance of the class that implements the technique to make it easy to edit/modify properties. Second, it provides a {technique}_estimate method which can be used to apply the technique to specific or all image/target pairs. These _estimate methods also handle collecting and storing the data from the initialized objects as well as providing the appropriate data to the objects. Finally, for each registered technique this class provides the opportunity to pass either a pre-initialized instance of the object as a key word argument (using {technique}=instance) or the keyword arguments to use to initialize the instance (using {technique}_kwargs=dict) as part of the __init__ method for this class.

This class also provides a simple method for automatically determining which RelNav technique to use based on the expected apparent diameter of a target in the image, as well as the type of the shape representing the target in the scene. This method, auto_estimate() is generally sufficient for use for most missions that are doing typical RelNav type work and really makes doing RelNav easy.

For most RelNav types, the results will be collected and stored in the center_finding_results, relative_position_results, landmark_results, limb_results and saved_templates, depending on the type of RelNav used (where each type is stored will be described in the class documentation for the technique). In addition, each technique can store more details about what occurred in the fit to the {technique}_details attributes which are lists of lists where the outer list corresponds to the images and the inner lists corresponds to the targets in the scene. Typically these details are stored as dictionaries with detailed key names to indicate what each value means, but they can technically be any python object. The documentation for each technique will describe what is included in the details output.

When initializing this class, most of the initial options can be set using the *_kwargs inputs with dictionaries specifying the keyword arguments and values. Alternatively, you can provide already initialized instances of the objects if you want a little more control or want to use a subclass instead of the registered class itself. You should see the documentation for the registered techniques and the ImageProcessing class for more details about what settings can be specified at initialization.

It is possible to register new techniques to use with this class, which will automatically create many of the benefits just discussed. For details on how to do this, refer to the relnav_class, relnav_estimators, and register() documentation for details.

  • camera (Camera) – The Camera containing the camera model and images to be analyzed

  • scene (Scene) – The Scene describing the a priori knowledge of the relative state between the camera and the targets

  • extended_body_cutoff (Real) – The apparent diameter threshold in pixels at which auto_estimate() will switch from using unresolved techniques to using resolved techniques for extracting observables from the images.

  • save_templates (bool) – A flag specifying whether to save the templates generated for cross-correlation based techniques to the saved_templates attribute.

  • image_processing (ImageProcessing | None) – An already initialized instance of ImageProcessing (or a subclass). If not None then image_processing_kwargs are ignored.

  • image_processing_kwargs (dict | None) – The keyword arguments to pass to the ImageProcessing class constructor. These are ignored if argument image_processing is not None

  • cross_correlation (XCorrCenterFinding | None) – An already initialized instance of XCorrCenterFinding (or a subclass). If not None then cross_correlation_kwargs are ignored.

  • cross_correlation_kwargs (dict | None) – The keyword arguments to pass to the XCorrCenterFinding class constructor. These are ignored if argument cross_correlation is not ``None

  • unresolved (UnresolvedCenterFinding | None) – An already initialized instance of UnresolvedCenterFinding (or a subclass). If not None then unresolved_kwargs are ignored.

  • unresolved_kwargs (dict | None) – The keyword arguments to pass to the UnresolvedCenterFinding class constructor. These are ignored if argument unresolved is not None

  • ellipse_matching (EllipseMatching | None) – An already initialized instance of EllipseMatching (or a subclass). If not None then ellipse_matching_kwargs are ignored.

  • ellipse_matching_kwargs (dict | None) – The keyword arguments to pass to the EllipseMatching class constructor. These are ignored if argument ellipse_matching is not None

  • limb_matching (LimbMatching | None) – An already initialized instance of LimbMatching (or a subclass). If not None then limb_matching_kwargs are ignored

  • limb_matching_kwargs (dict | None) – The key word arguments to pass to the LimbMatching class constructor. These are ignored if argument limb_matching is not None.

  • moment_algorithm (MomentAlgorithm | None) – An already initialized instance of MomentAlgorithm (or a subclass). If not None then moment_algorithm_kwargs are ignored.

  • moment_algorithm_kwargs (dict | None) – The key word arguments to pass to the MomentAlgorithm class constructor. These are ignored if argument moment_algorithm is not None.

  • sfn (SurfaceFeatureNavigation | None) – An already initialized instance of SurfaceFeatureNavigation (or a subclass). If not None then sfn_kwargs are ignored.

  • sfn_kwargs (dict | None) – The key word arguments to pass to the SurfaceFeatureNavigation class constructor. These are ignored if argument sfn is not None.

  • kwargs – Extra arguments for other registered RelNav techniques. These should take the same form as above ({technique_name}={technique_instance} or {technique_name}_kwargs=dict()). Any that are not supplied are defaulted to None.

center_finding_results: ndarray

This array contains center finding results after a center finding technique is used for each image in the camera.

The array is a nxm array with the RESULTS_DTYPE, where n is the number of images in the camera (all images, not just turned on) and m is the number of targets in the scene. This is initialized to a zero array. The best way to check if an entry is still empty is that all of the string columns will be 0 length. If a method fails for a particular image/target, the array will instead be filled with NaN for the predicted column.

relative_position_results: ndarray

This array contains relative position results after a relative position technique is used for each image in the camera.

The array is a nxm array with the RESULTS_DTYPE, where n is the number of images in the camera (all images, not just turned on) and m is the number of targets in the scene. This is initialized to a zero array. The best way to check if an entry is still empty is that all of the string columns will be 0 length. If a method fails for a particular image/target, the array will instead be filled with NaN for the predicted column.

landmark_results: List[List[Sequence | ndarray | None]]

This list of lists contains landmark results for each image/target in the scene after a landmark technique is used.

The list of lists is nxm, where n is the number of images in the camera (all images, not just turned on) and m is the number of targets in the scene. Each list element is initialized to None and is only filled in when a landmark technique is applied to the image/target combination. The result after a landmark technique has been applied will be a 1D numpy array with dtype RESULTS_DTYPE with a size equal to the number of processed landmarks in the image/target pair. Each element can (and likely will) have a different length.

limb_results: List[List[Sequence | ndarray | None]]

This list of lists contains limb results for each image/target in the scene after a limb technique is used.

The list of lists is nxm, where n is the number of images in the camera (all images, not just turned on) and m is the number of targets in the scene. Each list element is initialized to None and is only filled in when a limb technique is applied to the image/target combination. The result after a limb technique has been applied will be a 1D numpy array with dtype RESULTS_DTYPE with a size equal to the number of processed limbs in the image/target pair. Each element can have a different length.


This list of lists contains the templates generated by many of the techniques for inspection.

The list of lists is nxm, where n is the number of images in the camera (all images, not just turned on) and m is the number of targets in the scene. Each list element is initialized to None and is only filled in when a method that generates a template is applied to the image/target pair. Each element is generally stored as either a 2D numpy array containing the template (if doing center finding), or as a list of numpy arrays containing the templates for each landmark (if doing landmark navigation)

save_templates: bool

This flag specifies whether to save rendered templates from techniques that rely on cross-correlation.

While it can be nice to have the templates, especially for generating summary displays or trying to investigate whether results are reasonable visually, they can take up a lot of memory, so be sure to consider this before turning this option on.

extended_body_cutoff: float

The apparent diameter of a target in pixels when we should switch from using unresolved techniques to resolved techniques for center finding.

This is only used in auto_estimate() and is further described in that documentation.


This attribute stores details from the unresolved technique for each image/target pair that has been processed.

The details are stored as a list of list of object (typically dictionaries) where each element of the outer list corresponds to the same element number in the Camera.images list and each element of the inner list corresponds to the same element number in the Scene.target_objs list.

If an image/target pair has not been processed by the unresolved technique then the corresponding element will still be set to None.

For a description of what the provided details include, see the UnresolvedCenterFinding.details documentation.


This attribute stores details from the cross_correlation technique for each image/target pair that has been processed.

The details are stored as a list of list of object (typically dictionaries) where each element of the outer list corresponds to the same element number in the Camera.images list and each element of the inner list corresponds to the same element number in the Scene.target_objs list.

If an image/target pair has not been processed by the cross_correlation technique then the corresponding element will still be set to None.

For a description of what the provided details include, see the XCorrCenterFinding.details documentation.


This attribute stores details from the sfn technique for each image/target pair that has been processed.

The details are stored as a list of list of object (typically dictionaries) where each element of the outer list corresponds to the same element number in the Camera.images list and each element of the inner list corresponds to the same element number in the Scene.target_objs list.

If an image/target pair has not been processed by the sfn technique then the corresponding element will still be set to None.

For a description of what the provided details include, see the SurfaceFeatureNavigation.details documentation.


This attribute stores details from the limb_matching technique for each image/target pair that has been processed.

The details are stored as a list of list of object (typically dictionaries) where each element of the outer list corresponds to the same element number in the Camera.images list and each element of the inner list corresponds to the same element number in the Scene.target_objs list.

If an image/target pair has not been processed by the limb_matching technique then the corresponding element will still be set to None.

For a description of what the provided details include, see the LimbMatching.details documentation.


This attribute stores details from the ellipse_matching technique for each image/target pair that has been processed.

The details are stored as a list of list of object (typically dictionaries) where each element of the outer list corresponds to the same element number in the Camera.images list and each element of the inner list corresponds to the same element number in the Scene.target_objs list.

If an image/target pair has not been processed by the ellipse_matching technique then the corresponding element will still be set to None.

For a description of what the provided details include, see the EllipseMatching.details documentation.

property camera: Camera

The camera instance to perform OpNav on.

This should be an instance of the Camera class or one of its subclasses.

See the Camera class documentation for more details

property image_processing: ImageProcessing

The ImageProcessing instance to use when doing image processing on the images

This must be an instance of the ImageProcessing class.

See the ImageProcessing class documentation for more details

property model: CameraModel

This alias returns the current camera model from the camera attribute.

It is provided for convenience since the camera model is used frequently.


This attribute stores details from the moment_algorithm technique for each image/target pair that has been processed.

The details are stored as a list of list of object (typically dictionaries) where each element of the outer list corresponds to the same element number in the Camera.images list and each element of the inner list corresponds to the same element number in the Scene.target_objs list.

If an image/target pair has not been processed by the moment_algorithm technique then the corresponding element will still be set to None.

For a description of what the provided details include, see the MomentAlgorithm.details documentation.

property scene: Scene

This property stores the scene describing the a priori conditions that the camera observed.

This is used to communicate both where to expect the target in the image, as well as how to render what we think the target should look like for techniques that use cross correlation. For more details see the scene documentation.

property cross_correlation: XCorrCenterFinding

The XCorrCenterFinding instance to use when extracting center finding observables from images using cross-correlation.

This should be an instance of the XCorrCenterFinding class or a subclass.

See the XCorrCenterFinding documentation for more details.

property ellipse_matching: EllipseMatching

The EllipseMatching instance to use when extracting center finding observables from images using cross-correlation.

This should be an instance of the EllipseMatching class or a subclass.

See the EllipseMatching documentation for more details.

property limb_matching: LimbMatching

The LimbMatching instance to use when extracting center finding observables from images using cross-correlation.

This should be an instance of the LimbMatching class or a subclass.

See the LimbMatching documentation for more details.

property moment_algorithm: MomentAlgorithm

The MomentAlgorithm instance to use when extracting center finding observables from images using cross-correlation.

This should be an instance of the MomentAlgorithm class or a subclass.

See the MomentAlgorithm documentation for more details.

property unresolved: UnresolvedCenterFinding

The UnresolvedCenterFinding instance to use when extracting center finding observables from images using cross-correlation.

This should be an instance of the UnresolvedCenterFinding class or a subclass.

See the UnresolvedCenterFinding documentation for more details.

Summary of Methods


This is essentially an alias to the Camera.add_images() method, but it also expands various lists to account for the new number of images.


This method attempts to automatically determine the best RelNav technique to use for each image/target pair considered out of the most common RelNav techniques, unresolved, ellipse_matching, cross_correlation, and sfn.


This method loops applies the cross_correlation technique to image/target pairs.


This method extracts observables from image(s) using the requested worker and stores them according to the types of observables generated by the technique.


This method loops applies the ellipse_matching technique to image/target pairs.


This method loops applies the limb_matching technique to image/target pairs.


This method loops applies the moment_algorithm technique to image/target pairs.


This is the default setup for processing an image through a RelNav technique and storing the results for a single image.


This class method registers a new RelNav technique with the RelativeOpNav class.


This method replaces the existing image processing instance with a new instance using the initial image_processing_kwargs argument passed to the constructor.


This method loops applies the unresolved technique to image/target pairs.


This method updates the attributes of the image_processing instance.