

RelativeOpNav.auto_estimate(image_ind=None, include_targets=None)[source]

This method attempts to automatically determine the best RelNav technique to use for each image/target pair considered out of the most common RelNav techniques, unresolved, ellipse_matching, cross_correlation, and sfn.

The decision of which technique to use is made as follows:

  1. The apparent diameter of the target in pixels in the image under consideration is predicted either using the bounding box for the target or the circumscribing sphere, if available.

  2. If the predicted apparent diameter of the target is less than the extended_body_cutoff value then the target/image pair is processed using the unresolved RelNav technique

  3. If the predicted apparent diameter of the target is greater than the extended_body_cutoff value then the target/image pair is processed based on the type of object it is

  • image_ind (int | None) – An index specifying which image to process or None to indicate that all turned on images should be processed.

  • include_targets (List[bool] | None) – A list of booleans specifying which targets in the scene should be processed or None to indicate that all targets in the scene should be processed