
This module provides a subclass of the OpNav class for performing relative OpNav.

Interface Description

In GIANT, Relative OpNav refers to the process of identifying targets of interest in an image. These targets can be natural bodies, surface features on natural bodies, or even man made objects. Typically the result of identifying these targets in images is line-of-sight or bearing measurements to the target in the image, which, when coupled with the knowledge of the camera inertial pointing (possibly from the stellar_opnav module) gives inertial bearing measurements that can be ingested in a navigation filter. A couple of techniques result in different types of observations, but these are discussed in more detail for the appropriate techniques.

The RelativeOpNav class is the primary interface for performing relative OpNav in GIANT, and in general is what the user will interact with to process images. It provides direct access to all of the estimators for doing different types of RelNav for editing settings, and additionally provides {technique}_estimate methods which process each requested image by updating the scene to reflect the a priori conditions at the image time, applying the specified technique to the image to extract the observables, and then storing the extracted observations and details about those observations for you. The typical scheme for these methods is {module_name}_estimate for instance cross_correlation_estimate. In addition to these methods, this class also provides a auto_estimate() method, which attempts to automatically pick the appropriate RelNav technique to use for each image based on the type of target being identified and the a priori knowledge of the apparent diameter of the object in the image. Specifically, this method chooses from the 5 most typical RelNav techniques, unresolved, moment_algorithm, cross_correlation, limb_matching, and sfn. More details on how this decision is made are provided in the auto_estimate() documentation. For typical users, this method is all that they will need for doing RelNav, however, the lower-level methods for force choosing the method are provided for more advanced analysis.

For example, we could do something like the following (from the directory containing sample_data as generated by a call to generate_sample_data):

>>> import pickle
>>> from giant.relative_opnav import RelativeOpNav
>>> with open('sample_data/camera.pickle', 'rb') as input_file:
...     camera = pickle.load(input_file)
>>> with open('sample_data/kdtree.pickle', 'rb') as input_file:
...     target = pickle.load(input_file)
>>> from giant.scripts.generate_sample_data import (target_position, target_orientation,
...                                                 sun_position, sun_orientation)
>>> from giant.ray_tracer.scene import Scene, SceneObject
>>> from giant.ray_tracer.shapes import Point
>>> camera.only_short_on()
>>> scene = Scene(camera, SceneObject(target, position_function=target_position, orientation_function=target_orientation, name='Itokawa'),
...                   light_obj=SceneObject(Point, position_function=sun_position, orientation_function=sun_orientation, name='Sun'))
>>> my_relnav = RelativeOpNav(camera, scene)
>>> my_relnav.auto_estimate()

To generate RelNav observables for each short exposure image in the camera.

Extending RelativeOpNav With New Techniques

In addition to the built in techniques from GIANT it is possible to extend the :class:’.RelativeOpNav` object with new techniques using the RelativeOpNav.register() class method/decorator. Using this method to register a new technique creates all the typical attributes/methods for the technique in the RelativeOpNav class without having to subclass it, including {technique}_estimate, {technique}_details replacing {technique} with the name of the technique. It will also package the results for you into the appropriate attribute ( center_finding_results, relative_position_results, landmark_results’, limb_results, and saved_templates) depending on the type of observables generated.

Therefore, to register a new template we could do something like

class MyNewTechnique(RelNavEstimator):
    technique = "my_new_technique"
    observable_type = [RelNavObservablesType.CENTER_FINDING, RelNavObservablesType.RELATIVE_POSITION]
    generates_templates = False

    def estimate(self, image, include_targets=None):

        # do the thing
        self.computed_bearings = [np.zeros(2) for _ in range(len(self.scene.target_objs))
        self.computed_positions = [np.zeros(3) for _ in range(len(self.scene.target_objs))
        self.observed_bearings = [np.zeros(2) for _ in range(len(self.scene.target_objs))
        self.observed_positions = [np.zeros(3) for _ in range(len(self.scene.target_objs))

        self.details = [{'status': "we did the thing!"} for _ in range(len(self.scene.taget_objs))]

which would register MyNewTechnique to name my_new_technique so that we could do something like relnav.my_new_technique_estimate() where relnav is an instance of RelativeOpNav. Note that the registration must be done before creating an instance of RelativeOpNav. Therefore, the code containing the above example would needs to be imported before intializing the RelativeOpNav.

For a more general description of the steps needed to perform relative navigation, refer to the relative_opnav documentation. For a more in-depth examination of the RelativeOpNav class, continue through the following class documentation. For more details on adding new techniques to the RelativeOpNav class, see the relnav_estimators documentation.



This class serves as the main user interface for performing relative optical navigation.



The numpy structured datatype used to package most RelNav observables.