
This module provides the capability to locate the relative position of a regular target body (well modelled by a triaxial ellipsoid) by matching the observed ellipse of the limb in an image with the ellipsoid model of the target.

Description of the Technique

Ellipse matching is a form of OpNav which produces a full 3DOF relative position measurement between the target and the camera. Conceptually, it does this by comparing the observed size of a target in an image to the known size of the target in 3D space to determine the range, and fits an ellipse to the observed target to locate the center in the image. As such, this can be a very powerful measurement because it is insensitive to errors in the a priori knowledge of your range to the target, unlike cross correlation, provides more information than just the bearing to the target for processing in a filter, and is more computationally efficient. That being said, the line-of-sight/bearing component of the estimate is generally slightly less accurate than cross correlation (when there is good a priori knowledge of the shape and the range to the target). This is because ellipse matching only makes use of the visible limb, while cross correlation makes use of all of the visible target.

While conceptually the ellipse matching algorithm computes both a bearing and a range measurement, in actuality, a single 3DOF position estimate is computed in a least squares sense, not 2 separate measurements. The steps to extract this measurement are:

  1. Identify the observed illuminated limb of the target in the image being processed using ImageProcessing.identify_subpixel_limbs()

  2. Solve the least squares problem

    \[\begin{split}\left[\begin{array}{c}\bar{\mathbf{s}}'^T_1 \\ \vdots \\ \bar{\mathbf{s}}'^T_m\end{array}\right] \mathbf{n}=\mathbf{1}_{m\times 1}\end{split}\]

    where \(\bar{\mathbf{s}}'_i=\mathbf{B}\mathbf{s}_i\), \(\mathbf{s}_i\), is a unit vector in the camera frame through an observed limb point in an image (computed using pixels_to_unit()), \(\mathbf{B}=\mathbf{Q}\mathbf{T}^C_P\), \(\mathbf{Q}=\text{diag}(1/a, 1/b, 1/c)\), \(a-c\) are the size of the principal axes of the tri-axial ellipsoid representing the target, and \(\mathbf{T}^C_P\) is the rotation matrix from the principal frame of the target shape to the camera frame.

  3. Compute the position of the target in the camera frame using


    where \(\mathbf{r}\) is the position of the target in camera frame, \(\mathbf{T}_C^P\) is the rotation from the principal frame of the target ellipsoid to the camera frame, and all else is as defined previously.

Further details on the algorithm can be found here.


This implements limb based OpNav for regular bodies. For irregular bodies, like asteroids and comets, see limb_matching.

Typically this technique is used once the body is fully resolved in the image (around at least 50 pixels in apparent diameter) and then can be used as long as the limb is visible in the image.


There are a few parameters to tune for this method. The main thing that may make a difference is the choice and tuning for the limb extraction routines. There are 2 categories of routines you can choose from. The first is image processing, where the limbs are extracted using only the image and the sun direction. To tune the image processing limb extraction routines you can adjust the following ImageProcessing settings:




A flag specifying to apply denoise_image() to the image before attempting to locate the limbs.


The routine to use to attempt to denoise the image


The subpixel method to use to refine the limb points.

Other tunings are specific to the subpixel method chosen and are discussed in image_processing.

The other option for limb extraction is limb scanning. In limb scanning predicted illumination values based on the shape model and a prior state are correlated with extracted scan lines to locate the limbs in the image. This technique can be quite accurate (if the shape model is accurate) but is typically much slower and the extraction must be repeated each iteration. The general tunings to use for limb scanning are from the LimbScanner class:




The number of limb points to extract from the image


The extent of the limb to use centered on the sun line in radians (should be <= np.pi/2)


The number of samples to take along each scan line

There are a few other things that can be tuned but they generally have limited effect. See the LimbScanner class for more details.

In addition, there is one knob that can be tweaked on the class itself.




Chooses the limb extraction method to be image processing or limb scanning.

Beyond this, you only need to ensure that you have a fairly accurate ellipsoid model of the target, the knowledge of the sun direction in the image frame is good, and the knowledge of the rotation between the principal frame and the camera frame is good.


The class provided in this module is usually not used by the user directly, instead it is usually interfaced with through the RelativeOpNav class using the identifier ellipse_matching. For more details on using the RelativeOpNav interface, please refer to the relnav_class documentation. For more details on using the technique class directly, as well as a description of the details dictionaries produced by this technique, refer to the following class documentation.



This class implements GIANT's version of limb based OpNav for regular bodies.


This enumeration provides the valid options for the limb extraction methods that can be used on the image.


This class is used to extract limbs from an image and pair them to surface points on the target.