
This module provides a number of image processing techniques for use throughout GIANT.

The class provided by this module, ImageProcessing, is the primary tool used for working with image data throughout GIANT. This class provides routines to identify point sources in an image (find_poi_in_roi(), refine_locations(), locate_subpixel_poi_in_roi()), detect subpixel edges in an image (pae_edges()), perform template matching through cross correlation (correlate()), and denoise/flatten an image and get its noise level (flatten_image_and_get_noise_level(), denoise_image()).

For many of these methods, there are multiple algorithms that can be used to perform the same task. The ImageProcessing class makes it easy to change what algorithm is being used by simply switching out one function object for another. There are a few selections of different algorithms that can be used already provided by this module, and users can easily write their own algorithms and swap them in by following the instructions in the ImageProcessing class.

A general user will usually not directly interact with the classes and functions in this class and instead will rely on the OpNav classes to interact for them.



This class is a collection of various image processing techniques used throughout GIANT.


This enumeration provides the valid options for subpixel edge detection methods.


This enumeration provides the valid options for flattening an image and determining the noise levels when identifying points of interest in ImageProcessing.find_poi_in_roi()



This function returns a boolean mask selecting all local maxima from a 2d array.


This function performs a 2D cross correlation between image and template and returns the correlation surface using the OpenCV matchTemplate function.


This function performs normalized cross correlation between a template and an image in the frequency domain.


This function performs normalized cross correlation directly (spatial correlation).


This function performs 1d correlation based on extracted lines and predicted lines.


This function performs multilevel Otsu thresholding on a 2D array.


This function returns a numpy array containing the (x, y) location of the maximum surface value which corresponds to the peak of the fitted quadric surface to subpixel accuracy.


This function returns a numpy array containing the (x, y) location of the maximum surface value to pixel level accuracy.


This function returns a numpy array containing the (x, y) location of the maximum surface value which corresponds to the peak of the fitted quadric surface to subpixel accuracy.


This function returns a numpy array containing the location of the maximum surface value to pixel level accuracy for each row of the input matrix.


Find the subpixel maximum location along each row.



The horizontal Sobel kernel for convolving with an image when computing the horizontal image gradients.


The vertical Sobel kernel for convolving with an image when computing the vertical image gradients.


The 0, 1 coefficient (upper middle) of the Gaussian kernel representing the blurring experienced in the images being processed for the PAE sub-pixel edge method.


The 1, 1 coefficient (upper left) of the Gaussian kernel representing the blurring experienced in the images being processed for the PAE sub-pixel edge method.


First order real component of Zernike Moments


First order imaginary component of Zernike Moments


Second order Zernike Moments