
This module provides scene functionality for rendering in GIANT.


In GIANT, a scene is used to describe the location and orientation of objects with respect to each other and some defined frame (usually the camera frame) at a given moment in time. This then facilitates rendering multiple objects in a scene, doing single bounce ray tracing to a light source, and other similar tasks. Additionally, the scene makes it easy to tie functions that specify the location/orientation of an object at given times so that they can be used to automatically place things in the scene at a requested image time.


To use the scene in GIANT you simply create SceneObject instances for any targets and the light source for your scene (currently only a single light source is allowed). You then create a Scene around these objects. This then gives you the ability to call the most commonly used methods of the scene Scene.trace() to trace rays through all of the targets in the scene and Scene.get_illumination_inputs() to do a single bounce ray trace and create the inputs required to estimate the intensity for each rendered ray using illumination.

In general, besides initializing your Scene and SceneObject instances, you won’t interact directly with the scene classes much, as this is done for you in the rest of GIANT.



This enumeration provides options for the different corrections that can be used when calculating the apparent position of an object in a scene


This is a container for SceneObject instances that provides an easy interface for tracing and rendering.


This class provides a quick and easy interface for changing the position and orientation of various objects.



Correct an inertial position to include the time of flight for light to travel between the target and the camera.


Correct for stellar aberration using rotations.


Correct for stellar aberration using linear addition.



The speed of light in kilometers per second