

giant.ray_tracer.scene.correct_stellar_aberration_fsp(camera_to_target_position_inertial, camera_velocity_inertial)[source]

Correct for stellar aberration using linear addition.

Note that this only roughly corrects for the direction, it messes up the distance to the object, therefore you should favor the correct_stellar_aberration() function which uses rotations and thus doesn’t mess with the distance.

Note that this assumes that the units for the input are all in kilometers and kilometers per secon. If they are not you will get unexpected results.

  • camera_to_target_position_inertial (ndarray) – The vector from the camera to the target in the inertial frame

  • camera_velocity_inertial (ndarray) – The velocity of the camera in the inertial frame relative to the SSB


the vector from the camera to the target in the inertial frame corrected for stellar aberration

Return type:
