

Scene.get_illumination_inputs(trace_rays, return_intersects=False)[source]

This method returns the required inputs for an illumination function to compute the illumination for each ray.

This is done by performing a single bounce ray trace against all objects in the scene. First, the rays as provided are traced into the scene, returning the first intersect with anything in target_objs. Then, if the ray actually struck something, we trace from the intersect point toward the light_obj to see if the place we struck was shadowed or not. Presuming it was not shadowed, the geometry of the single bounce ray trace is encoded into a numpy structured array with dtype ILLUM_DTYPE which can then be passed to the classes from the illumination module to compute the intensity for each ray.

If requested, this method also returns the results of the initial intersect (before the shadow bounce) as a structured numpy array with dtype INTERSECT_DTYPE which can be useful for determining if a ray didn’t see anything because it was shadowed or because it didn’t strike anything. Both returns will be shape (n,) where n is the number of rays traced.

  • trace_rays (Rays) – The rays we are to compute the illumination inputs for

  • return_intersects (bool) – A flag specifying whether the results of the initial trace should also be returned


A numpy array with shape (n,) and data type ILLUM_DTYPE and optionally a numpy array with shape (n,) and data type INTERSECT_DTYPE

Return type:

ndarray | Tuple[ndarray, ndarray]