

RelativeOpNav.process_image(worker, image_ind, image, observable_type, include_targets=None)[source]

This is the default setup for processing an image through a RelNav technique and storing the results for a single image.

First, the RelNav technique instance is applied to the image using the RelNavEstimator.estimate() method. Finally, the results from processing the image are stored depending on what types of results were generated by the technique. This is controlled by the observable_type input.

  • worker (RelNavEstimator) – The RelNav technique instance that is to be applied to the image.

  • image_ind (int) – The index of the image in the Camera.images list being processed

  • image (OpNavImage) – The OpNavImage being processed

  • observable_type (List[RelNavObservablesType]) – The type of measurements that are generated by this technique as a list of RelNavObservablesType values

  • include_targets (List[bool] | None) – The targets to process for this image as a list of bools the same length as Scene.target_objs. If None then all targets are processed.