

RelativeOpNav.default_estimator(worker_name, observable_type, image_ind=None, include_targets=None)[source]

This method extracts observables from image(s) using the requested worker and stores them according to the types of observables generated by the technique.

This method typically is not called directly by the user but is made public for documentation purposes for registering a new RelNav technique. Typically, a partialmethod() is created from this method where the 2 positional arguments have been filled by the register() method. This partial method is then stored as a method {technique}_estimate where {technique} is the name of the technique that is being applied. It is through that method that a user will generally do things. This resulting partial method will still take 2 key word arguments, image_ind and include_targets which can be used to apply the technique to a particular image (instead of all of the turned on images) and to control which targets in the scene are processed using this technique.

For more details about what is happening internally in this method see the process_image() documentation, which is called for each image processed by this method. For more details about registering a new RelNav technique and using this method to apply it to images, refer to the estimators documentation.

  • worker_name (str) – The name of the technique to be applied to the images

  • observable_type (List[RelNavObservablesType]) – The type of observables generated by this technique as a list of RelNavObservablesType objects.

  • image_ind (int | None) – An index specifying which image to process or None to indicate that all turned on images should be processed.

  • include_targets (List[bool] | None) – A list of booleans specifying which targets in the scene should be processed or None to indicate that all targets in the scene should be processed