

XCorrCenterFinding.render(target_ind, target, temperature=0)[source]

This method returns the computed illumination values for the given target and the (sub)pixels that each illumination value corresponds to

The illumination values are computed by (a) determining the rays to trace through the scene (either user specified or by a call to compute_rays()), (b) performing a single bounce ray trace through the scene using a call to Scene.get_illumination_inputs(), and then (c) converting the results of the ray trace into illumination values using brdf.

  • target_ind (int) – index into the Scene.target_objs list of the target being rendering

  • target (SceneObject) – the SceneObject for the target being rendered

  • temperature (Real) – The temperature of the camera at the time the scene is being rendered.


the computed illumination values for each ray and the pixel coordinates for each ray.

Return type:

Tuple[ndarray, ndarray]