

XCorrCenterFinding.compute_rays(target, temperature=0)[source]

This method computes the required rays to render a given target based on the location of the target in the image.

This method first determines which pixels to trace. If a circumscribing sphere is defined for the target, the edges of the sphere are used to compute the required pixels; otherwise, the bounding box is used. The pixels are checked to be sure they are contained in the image. If the expected target location is completely outside of the image then it is relocated to be in the center of the image (for rendering purposes). The requested subsampling for each pixel is then applied, and the sub-pixels are then converted into rays originating at the camera origin using the CameraModel.

  • target (SceneObject) – The target that is being rendered

  • temperature (Real) – The temperature of the camera at the time the target is being rendered


The rays to trace through the scene and the the pixel coordinates for each ray as a tuple, plus the bounds of the pixel coordinates

Return type:

Tuple[Tuple[Rays, ndarray], Tuple[ndarray, ndarray]]