

XCorrCenterFinding.estimate(image, include_targets=None)[source]

This method identifies the center of each target in the image using cross correlation

This method first does ray tracing to render a template and then computes the expected location of the object within the image. The expected bounds and size of the template are computed in pixels. The psf of the camera is then applied to the template and the center of the body is determined within the template. Noise is removed from the image and the image and template are correlated. The peaks of the correlation surface are determined in addition to residuals between the solved for center in the template and center in the image.


Before calling this method be sure that the scene has been updated to correspond to the correct image time. This method does not update the scene automatically, even if the scene attribute is an Scene instance.

  • image (OpNavImage) – The image to locate the targets in

  • include_targets (List[bool] | None) – A list specifying whether to process the corresponding target in Scene.target_objs or None. If None then all targets are processed.