Source code for giant.ufo.detector

# Copyright 2021 United States Government as represented by the Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space
# Administration.  No copyright is claimed in the United States under Title 17, U.S. Code. All Other Rights Reserved.

This module provides a class for identifying possible unresolved UFOs in a monocular image.


UFO identification is done through the usual :mod:`.stellar_opnav` process, but instead of being concerned with the
identified stars, we are concerned with the points that were not matched to stars in the image.  As such, the
:class:`.Detector` class provided in this module simply serves as a wrapper around the :class:`.StellarOpNav` class
to combine some steps together and to collect all of the unidentified results and package them into a manageable format.
For a more detailed description of what happens you can refer to the paper at


To identify potential UFOs, simply initialize the :class:`.Detector` class with the required inputs, then call
:meth:`.update_attitude` to estimate the updated attitude of the images (which can be important when trying to identify
dim detections), :meth:`.find_ufos` to identify possible ufos in the images, :meth:`.package_results` to package all of
the detections into a dataframe and to compute some extra information about each detection, and
:meth:`remove_duplicates` which attempts to identify points were we accidentally identified the same point twice (which
can happen when 2 detection are very close together).  Once you have called these methods, you can call
:meth:`.Detector.save_results` to dump the results to (a) csv file(s).

For discussion on Tuning for successful UFO identification, refer to the :mod:`.ufo` package documentation.

You may also be interested in using the :class:`.UFO` class which combines both detection and tracking into a single
interface rather than using this class directly.

import time

import os

import logging

from copy import deepcopy

from typing import Optional, Callable, List, Tuple, Dict, Any, Iterator, Union, Iterable

import numpy as np

from scipy.spatial import cKDTree

import pandas as pd

import cv2

from giant.stellar_opnav.stellar_class import StellarOpNav
from giant.point_spread_functions.gaussians import IterativeGeneralizedGaussianWBackground

from giant.catalogues.utilities import unit_to_radec, RAD2DEG, radec_to_unit, radec_distance, DEG2RAD
from giant.utilities.spice_interface import datetime_to_et
from giant.ray_tracer.rays import Rays
from giant.ray_tracer.scene import Scene

from giant.image import OpNavImage

from giant._typing import Real, SCALAR_OR_ARRAY, PATH, ARRAY_LIKE_2D

_LOGGER: logging.Logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
This is the logging interface for reporting status, results, issues, and other information.

[docs]def unit_to_radec_jacobian(unit: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: r""" This function computes the Jacobian matrix for going from a unit vector to a right ascension/declination in degrees. Mathematically this is given by: .. math:: \frac{\partial (\alpha, \delta)}{\partial \hat{\mathbf{x}}} = \frac{180}{\pi}\left[\begin{array}{ccc} -\frac{y}{x**2+y**2} & \frac{x}{x**2+y**2} & 0 \\ 0 & \frac{1}{\sqrt{1-z**2) & 0 \end{array}\right] This function is vectorized so that multiple jacobians can be computed at once. In this case the unit vectors in the input should be a shape of 3xn where n is the number of unit vectors and the output will be nx2x3. :param unit: The unit vectors to compute the jacobian for as a numpy array :return: the nx2x3 jacobian matrices. """ # make sure we have the right shape unit = unit.reshape(3, -1) # initialize the jacobian matrix out = np.zeros([unit.shape[-1], 2, 3], dtype=np.float64) # compute the jacobian elements out[:, 0, 0] = (-unit[1] / (unit[0] ** 2 + unit[1] ** 2) * 180 / np.pi).ravel() out[:, 0, 1] = (unit[0] / (unit[0] ** 2 + unit[1] ** 2) * 180 / np.pi) out[:, 1, 2] = (1 / np.sqrt(1 - unit[2] ** 2) * 180 / np.pi) return out
_IMAGE_INFORMATION_SIGNATURE = Callable[[OpNavImage], Tuple[float, float, float, SCALAR_OR_ARRAY]] """ This specifies the call signature that the image information function is expected to have. """ _MAGNITUDE_FUNCTION_SIGNATURE = Callable[[List[float], OpNavImage], Union[np.ndarray, List[float]]] """ This specifies the call signature that the magnitude function is expected to have.. """
[docs]class Detector: """ This class is used to identify possible non-cooperative unresolved targets in optical images. This is done by first extracting bright points from the image, then fitting point spread functions to the bright spots in an image, and finally removing bright points that correspond to stars. All of this is primarily handled by the :class:.StellarOpNav` class, and this class serves as a wrapper for collecting data from the :class:`.StellarOpNav` class and for packaging each possible detection (with additional information) into a pandas Dataframe for easy export/processing. To use this class simply provide the required initialization inputs, call :meth:`update_attitude`, call :meth:`find_ufos`, call :meth:`package_results`, call :meth:`remove_duplicates`, and then optionally call :meth:`save_results` to save the results to a csv file. For more details on tuning for detection and the full UFO process, including tacking, see the :mod:`.ufo` package documentation. """ def __init__(self, sopnav: StellarOpNav, scene: Optional[Scene] = None, dn_offset: Real = 0, image_information_function: Optional[_IMAGE_INFORMATION_SIGNATURE] = None, magnitude_function: Optional[_MAGNITUDE_FUNCTION_SIGNATURE] = None, update_attitude_kwargs: Optional[Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]]] = None, find_ufos_kwargs: Optional[Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]]] = None, unmatched_star_threshold: int = 3, hot_pixel_threshold: int = 5, create_hashed_index: bool = True): """ :param sopnav: The stellar opnav instance that will be used for star and UFO identification/attitude estimation :param scene: The optional scene instance defining the location of the light source and any extended bodies :param dn_offset: The dn offset of the detector, used for computing magnitude/statistics about the observed UFO :param image_information_function: A function that gives the quantization noise, read noise, and electron to DN conversion factor for the detector and predicts the dark current for a input :class:`.OpNavImage` object (or None). If None then the SNR values will be less meaningful. :param magnitude_function: A function that computes the apparent magnitude for detections based off of the input 5x5 summed DN for the detections and the image the detection came from. If ``None`` then the magnitude will not be computed and will be stored as 0 for all detections. :param update_attitude_kwargs: A dictionary of str -> dictionary where the keys are "star_id_kwargs", "image_processing_kwargs", or "attitude_estimator_kwargs" and the values are dictionaries specifying the key word argument -> value pairs for the appropriate class. This is used to update the settings before attempting to solve for the attitude in each image. (:meth:`update_attitude`) :param find_ufos_kwargs: A dictionary of str -> dictionary where the keys are "star_id_kwargs", "image_processing_kwargs", or "attitude_estimator_kwargs" and the values are dictionaries specifying the key word argument -> value pairs for the appropriate class. This is used to update the settings before attempting to identify ufos in the image (:meth:`find_ufos`) :param hot_pixel_threshold: The minimum number of images a (x_raw, y_raw) pair must appear in for the detections to be labeled a possible hot pixel :param unmatched_star_threshold: The minimum number of images a (ra, dec) pair must appear in for the detections to be labeled a possible unmatched star :param create_hashed_index: This boolean flag indicates that when packaging the results (:meth:`.package_results`) the index of the resulting dataframe should be build from a hash of ``'image_file_{x_raw}_{y_raw}'`` instead of just using an index. This makes it easier to identify the detections uniquely and is recommended to be left ``True`` """ self.sopnav: StellarOpNav = sopnav """ The StellarOpNav instance that will be used for star and UFO identification/attitude estimation. """ self.scene: Optional[Scene] = scene """ The Scene instance that defines the location of any known extended bodies in the images to use for determining whether the UFOs are part of the target or not. """ self.dn_offset: Real = dn_offset """ The dn offset of the detector (typically a fixed value that pixels are always guaranteed to be above). This is used to determine the noise level for assigning signal to noise values for each detection """ self.image_information_function: Optional[_IMAGE_INFORMATION_SIGNATURE] = image_information_function """ A function that gives the quantization noise, read noise, and electron to DN conversion factor for the detector and predicts the dark current for an input :class:`.OpNavImage` object. If None then the SNR values computed herein will be less meaningful. The order of the output should be electrons_to_dn, quantization noise (in elections), read noise (in electrons), dark current (in electrons) The dark current can either be returned as a scalar or as an array the same size as the image (if it is location dependent). The only input to this function will be the :class:`.OpNavImage` that the detector information is to be returned for, which should give the temperature and exposure length (plus possibly the file the image was retrieved from) """ self.magnitude_function: Optional[_MAGNITUDE_FUNCTION_SIGNATURE] = magnitude_function """ A function that computes the apparent magnitude of a detection given the 5x5 summed DN around the detection and the image the detection came from. If this is ``None`` then the magnitude is not calculated for the detections. If it is not None, then the results of this function are directly stored in the :attr:`magnitude` and :attr:`Star_observed_magnitude` attributes. Note that this function should expect to process all of the observations at once. """ self.update_attitude_kwargs: Optional[Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]]] = update_attitude_kwargs """ A dictionary of str -> dictionary where the keys are "star_id_kwargs", "image_processing_kwargs", or "attitude_estimator_kwargs" and the values are dictionaries specifying the key word argument -> value pairs for the appropriate class. This is used to update the settings before attempting to solve for the attitude in each image. (:meth:`update_attitude`) """ self.find_ufos_kwargs: Optional[Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]]] = find_ufos_kwargs """ A dictionary of str -> dictionary where the keys are "star_id_kwargs", "image_processing_kwargs", or "attitude_estimator_kwargs" and the values are dictionaries specifying the key word argument -> value pairs for the appropriate class. This is used to update the settings before attempting to identify the UFOs in each image. (:meth:`find_ufos`) """ self.hot_pixel_threshold: int = hot_pixel_threshold """ The minimum number of images the same (x_raw, y_raw) pairs must be identified in before detections are labeled as possible hot pixels. """ self.unmatched_star_threshold: int = unmatched_star_threshold """ The minimum number of images the same (ra, dec) pairs must be identified in before detections are labeled as possible unmatched stars. """ self.create_hashed_index: bool = create_hashed_index """ This boolean flag indicates that when packaging the results (:meth:`.package_results`) the index of the resulting dataframe should be build from a hash of ``'image_file_{x_raw}_{y_raw}'`` instead of just using an index. This makes it easier to identify the detections uniquely and is recommended to be left ``True`` """ self.detection_data_frame: Optional[pd.DataFrame] = None """ This is where the big dataframe of the detections will be stored. """ self.invalid_images: List[bool] = [False] * len( """ This is a list of images that are identified as invalid because they have no bright spots identified in them """ self.summed_dn: List[Optional[List[float]]] = [None] * len( """ This list is used to store the sum of the 5x5 grid of pixel DN values minus the background around each UFO. Until :meth:`package_results` is called this will be filled with ``None``. """ self.magnitude: List[Optional[Union[List[float], np.ndarray]]] = [None] * len( """ This list is used to store the computed magnitude of each UFO . Until :meth:`package_results` is called this will be filled with ``None``. """ self.fit_chi2_value: List[Optional[List[float]]] = [None] * len( """ This list is used to store the Chi2 value from the post-fit residuals for each ufo. Until :meth:`package_results` is called this will be filled with ``None``. """ self.integrated_psf_uncertainty: List[Optional[List[float]]] = [None] * len( """ This list is used to store the formal uncertainty of the integrated PSF value for each UFO. Until :meth:`package_results` is called this will be filled with ``None``. """ self.summed_dn_uncertainty: List[Optional[List[float]]] = [None] * len( """ This list is used to store the formal uncertainty of the integrated PSF value for each UFO. Until :meth:`package_results` is called this will be filled with ``None``. """ self.saturated: List[Optional[List[bool]]] = [None] * len( """ This list is used to store a flag specifying whether each UFO has saturated pixels or not. If a flag is ``True`` then the UFO did contain at least 1 pixel that was saturated. Until :meth:`package_results` is called this will be filled with ``None``. """ self.summed_dn_count: List[Optional[List[int]]] = [None] * len( """ This list is used to store the number of pixels summed for computing the summed dn for each UFO. This is nearly always 25 (for a 5x5 grid) but occasionally for points near the edge it may be less. Until :meth:`package_results` is called this will be filled with ``None``. """ self.max_dn: List[Optional[List[float]]] = [None] * len( """ This list is used to store the maximum DN value for each UFO. Until :meth:`package_results` is called this will be filled with ``None``. """ self.bearing: List[Optional[np.ndarray]] = [None] * len( """ This list is used to store inertial bearing of each UFO. Until :meth:`package_results` is called this will be filled with ``None``. """ self.integrated_psf: List[Optional[List[float]]] = [None] * len( """ This list is used to store the integrated PSF values for each UFO Until :meth:`package_results` is called this will be filled with ``None``. """ self.ra_sigma: List[Optional[List[float]]] = [None] * len( """ This list is used to store the formal uncertainty on the right-ascension component of the bearing in degrees for each UFO. Until :meth:`package_results` is called this will be filled with ``None``. """ self.declination_sigma: List[Optional[List[float]]] = [None] * len( """ This list is used to store the formal uncertainty on the declination component of the bearing in degrees for each UFO. Until :meth:`package_results` is called this will be filled with ``None``. """ self.x_raw_sigma: List[Optional[List[float]]] = [None] * len( """ This list is used to store the formal uncertainty on the x pixel location for each UFO. Until :meth:`package_results` is called this will be filled with ``None``. """ self.y_raw_sigma: List[Optional[List[float]]] = [None] * len( """ This list is used to store the formal uncertainty on the y pixel location for each UFO. Until :meth:`package_results` is called this will be filled with ``None``. """ self.occulting: List[Optional[np.ndarray]] = [None] * len( """ This list is used to store the locations where UFOs are in front of any dark portions of any extended bodies. Until :meth:`package_results` is called this will be filled with ``None``. """ self.saturation_distance: List[Optional[np.ndarray]] = [None] * len( """ This list is used to store the minimum distance between the centroid of each UFO and the nearest saturated pixel Until :meth:`package_results` is called this will be filled with ``None``. """ self.trail_length: List[Optional[np.ndarray]] = [None] * len( """ This list is used to store the approximate length of the trail of each UFO in pixels (if the detection is trailed) Until :meth:`package_results` is called this will be filled with ``None``. """ self.trail_principal_angle: List[Optional[np.ndarray]] = [None] * len( """ This list is used to store the approximate principal angle for each UFO that is trailed in degrees. The principal angle is the angle between the +x axis and the principal axis of the skewed PSF. Until :meth:`package_results` is called this will be filled with ``None``. """ self.star_summed_dn: List[Optional[List[float]]] = [None] * len( """ This list is used to store the sum of the 5x5 grid of pixel DN values minus the background around each matched star. Until :meth:`package_results` is called this will be filled with ``None``. """ self.star_observed_magnitude: List[Optional[Union[List[float], np.ndarray]]] = \ [None] * len( """ This list is used to store the computed magnitude of each matched star. Until :meth:`package_results` is called this will be filled with ``None``. """ self.star_summed_dn_count: List[Optional[List[int]]] = [None] * len( """ This list is used to store the number of pixels summed for computing the summed dn for each matched star. This is nearly always 25 (for a 5x5 grid) but occasionally for points near the edge it may be less. Until :meth:`package_results` is called this will be filled with ``None``. """ self.star_max_dn: List[Optional[List[Real]]] = [None] * len( """ This list is used to store the maximum DN value for each matched star. Until :meth:`package_results` is called this will be filled with ``None``. """ self.star_bearing: List[Optional[np.ndarray]] = [None] * len( """ This list is used to store inertial bearing of each matched star. Until :meth:`package_results` is called this will be filled with ``None``. """ self.star_integrated_psf: List[Optional[List[float]]] = [None] * len( """ This list is used to store the integrated PSF values for each matched star. Until :meth:`package_results` is called this will be filled with ``None``. """ self.star_ra_sigma: List[Optional[List[float]]] = [None] * len( """ This list is used to store the formal uncertainty on the right-ascension component of the bearing in degrees for each matched star. Until :meth:`package_results` is called this will be filled with ``None``. """ self.star_declination_sigma: List[Optional[List[float]]] = [None] * len( """ This list is used to store the formal uncertainty on the declination component of the bearing in degrees for each matched star. Until :meth:`package_results` is called this will be filled with ``None``. """ self.star_x_raw_sigma: List[Optional[List[float]]] = [None] * len( """ This list is used to store the formal uncertainty on the x pixel location for each matched star. Until :meth:`package_results` is called this will be filled with ``None``. """ self.star_y_raw_sigma: List[Optional[List[float]]] = [None] * len( """ This list is used to store the formal uncertainty on the y pixel location for each matched star. Until :meth:`package_results` is called this will be filled with ``None``. """ self.star_occulting: List[Optional[np.ndarray]] = [None] * len( """ This list is used to store the locations where matched stars are in front of any dark portions of any extended bodies. This obviously shouldn't be true so if any are then they may be actual detections Until :meth:`package_results` is called this will be filled with ``None``. """ self.star_saturation_distance: List[Optional[np.ndarray]] = [None] * len( """ This list is used to store the minimum distance between the centroid of each matched star and the nearest saturated pixel Until :meth:`package_results` is called this will be filled with ``None``. """ self.star_integrated_psf_uncertainty: List[Optional[List[float]]] = [None] * len( """ This list is used to store the formal uncertainty of the integrated PSF value for each matched star. Until :meth:`package_results` is called this will be filled with ``None``. """ self.star_summed_dn_uncertainty: List[Optional[List[float]]] = [None] * len( """ This list is used to store the formal uncertainty of the integrated PSF value for each matched star. Until :meth:`package_results` is called this will be filled with ``None``. """ self.star_saturated: List[Optional[List[bool]]] = [None] * len( """ This list is used to store a flag specifying whether each matched star has saturated pixels or not. If a flag is ``True`` then the UFO did contain at least 1 pixel that was saturated. Until :meth:`package_results` is called this will be filled with ``None``. """ self.star_fit_chi2_value: List[Optional[List[float]]] = [None] * len( """ This list is used to store the Chi2 value from the post-fit residuals for each star. Until :meth:`package_results` is called this will be filled with ``None``. """ self._delta_row, self._delta_col = np.meshgrid(np.arange(-2, 3), np.arange(-2, 3), indexing='ij') """ These specify the pixels around the center of each detection that we consider in summing by default """ self._needs_processed: List[bool] = [True] * len( """ A list of flags specifying whether the images need processed or not """
[docs] def update_attitude(self): """ This method estimates the attitude for each turned on image in the camera. This is done through the usual process. First the settings for the :attr:`.StellarOpNav.star_id``, ` :attr:`.StellarOpNav.attitude_estimator`, and :attr:`.StellarOpNav.image_processing` attributes are updated according to the settings saved in :attr:`update_attitude_kwargs`. Then the stars are identified using :meth:`.StellarOpNav.id_stars`. Finally, the attitude is estimated using :meth:`.StellarOpNav.estimate_attitude`. All of the results are stored into the :attr:`sopnav` attribute as usual. """'Updating settings for star identification') self.sopnav.update_star_id(self.update_attitude_kwargs.get('star_id_kwargs')) self.sopnav.update_image_processing(self.update_attitude_kwargs.get('image_processing_kwargs')) self.sopnav.update_attitude_estimator(self.update_attitude_kwargs.get('attitude_estimator_kwargs')) # Identify stars'Identifying Stars...') # only process images that we need to self.sopnav.process_stars = self._needs_processed self.sopnav.id_stars()'DONE')'\nUpdating Attitude...') self.sopnav.estimate_attitude()'DONE')
[docs] def find_ufos(self): """ This method finds unidentified bright spots (not matching a star or an extended body) in the images turned on in the camera. This is done by updating the :attr:`.StellarOpNav.star_id` and :attr:`.StellarOpNav.image_processing` attributes using the settings saved in :attr:`find_ufos_kwargs`. Then :meth:`.StellarOpNav.id_stars` is called to identify the UFOs. The results are stored in the ``unmatched_*`` attributes of the :attr:`sopnav` attribute. To get a summary of UFOs/stars with more information about them call :meth:`package_results` after calling this method. Typically you should call :meth:`update_attitude` before calling this method. """'Updating settings for ufo identification') self.sopnav.update_star_id(self.find_ufos_kwargs.get('star_id_kwargs')) self.sopnav.update_image_processing(self.find_ufos_kwargs.get('image_processing_kwargs')) # only process images that we need to self.sopnav.process_stars = self._needs_processed'Identifying UFOs...') self.sopnav.id_stars() self._needs_processed = [False]*len(
[docs] def package_results(self): """ This method packages information about UFOs (and matched stars) into attributes in this class and as a Pandas DataFrame that can be stored to any number of table formats. You should have called :meth:`find_ufos` before calling this method. Specifically, the results for UFOs are stored into - :attr:`bearing` - :attr:`ra_sigma` - :attr:`declination_sigma` - :attr:`fit_chi2_value` - :attr:`integrated_psf` - :attr:`integrated_psf_uncertainty` - :attr:`invalid_images` - :attr:`magnitude` - :attr:`max_dn` - :attr:`occulting` - :attr:`saturated` - :attr:`saturation_distance` - :attr:`summed_dn` - :attr:`summed_dn_count` - :attr:`summed_dn_uncertainty` - :attr:`trail_length` - :attr:`trail_principal_angle` - :attr:`x_raw_sigma` - :attr:`y_raw_sigma` - :attr: `.StellarOpNav.unmatched_extracted_image_points` - :attr: `.StellarOpNav.unmatched_stats` - :attr: `.StellarOpNav.unmatched_psfs` - :attr: `.StellarOpNav.unmatched_snrs` - :attr: `.StellarOpNav.unmatched_snrs` In addition, the results for matched stars are stored into - :attr:`star_bearing` - :attr:`star_ra_sigma` - :attr:`star_declination_sigma` - :attr:`star_fit_chi2_value` - :attr:`star_integrated_psf` - :attr:`star_integrated_psf_uncertainty` - :attr:`invalid_images` - :attr:`star_observed_magnitude` - :attr:`star_max_dn` - :attr:`star_occulting` - :attr:`star_saturated` - :attr:`star_saturation_distance` - :attr:`star_summed_dn` - :attr:`star_summed_dn_count` - :attr:`star_summed_dn_uncertainty` - :attr:`star_x_raw_sigma` - :attr:`star_y_raw_sigma` - :attr: `.StellarOpNav.matched_extracted_image_points` - :attr: `.StellarOpNav.matched_stats` - :attr: `.StellarOpNav.matched_psfs` - :attr: `.StellarOpNav.matched_snrs` - :attr: `.StellarOpNav.matched_snrs` Both star and UFO results are stored into a dataframe at :attr:`detection_data_frame` with Columns of ===================== ========================================================================================== Column Description ===================== ========================================================================================== image_file The file name of the image the detection came from as a string mid_exposure_utc The mid exposure time in UTC as a datetime mid_exposure_et The mid exposure time in ET seconds since J2000 as a float x_raw The x-sub-pixel (column) location of the centroid of the detection as a float y_raw The y-sub-pixel (column) location of the centroid of the detection as a float x_raw_sigma The x-sub-pixel location of the centroid of the detection formal uncertainty in pixels as a float y_raw_sigma The y-sub-pixel location of the centroid of the detection formal uncertainty in pixels as a float ra The right ascension of the detection in the inertial frame in degrees as a float. Note that this is the direction from the camera to the detection in inertial space, **not** the location of the detection in the celestial sphere. dec The declination of the detection in the inertial frame in degrees as a float. Note that this is the direction from the camera to the detection in inertial space, **not** the location of the detection in the celestial sphere. ra_sigma The formal uncertainty on the RA of the detection in units of degrees as a float dec_sigma The formal uncertainty on the declination of the detection in units of degrees as a float area The area of the detection (number of pixels above the specified threshold) as an integer peak_dn The maxim DN value of the detection (minus the background term) as a float summed_dn The sum of the (normally) 5x5 grid of pixels surrounding the centroid of the detection in DN as a float summed_dn_sigma The formal uncertainty of the summed dn value in DN as a float. This is based off of the expected noise of the pixels where the detection was found at. n_pix_summed The number of pixels summed as an integer. This will nearly always be 25, unless the detection was very close to the edge of the image integrated_psf The value of the integrated fit PSF for the detection in DN as a float. integrated_psf_sigma The formal uncertainty of the integrated fit PSF for the detection in DN as a float magnitude The computed apparent magnitude of the detector or 0, if no :attr:`magnitude_function` was given snr The signal to noise ratio of the detection psf The fit point spread function for the detection as a string psf_fit_quality The quality of the PSF fit as a chi**2 parameter as a float occulting A boolean flag specifying whether this detection is between the camera and the dark region of an extended body saturation_distance The distance between the centroid of this detection and the nearest blob of pixels with at least 3 pixels saturated is_saturated A boolean flag specifying if any of the pixels in the detection are saturated trail_length The length of the trail of the detection if it is a trailed detection (or 0) in units of pixels as a float trail_principal_angle The angle between the trail semi-major axis and the direction of increasing right ascension in the image in units of degrees as a float quality_code The quality code of the detection. Attempts to give the detection a quality label of 1-5 with 5 being a detection in which there is strong confidence it is not just a noise spike. quality codes of 0 indicate detections paired to known stars. Quality codes of -1 indicate detections that may be hot pixels or un-matched stars. Quality codes of -1 will only be present after a call to :meth:`identify_hot_pixels_and_unmatched_stars`. x_inert2cam The x component of the quaternion that rotates from the inertial frame to the camera frame at the time of the detection as a float y_inert2cam The y component of the quaternion that rotates from the inertial frame to the camera frame at the time of the detection as a float z_inert2cam The z component of the quaternion that rotates from the inertial frame to the camera frame at the time of the detection as a float s_inert2cam The scalar component of the quaternion that rotates from the inertial frame to the camera frame at the time of the detection as a float star_id A string given the catalogue ID of the star this detection was matched to (if it was matched to a star). ===================== ========================================================================================== """ # create a counter of how many images we've processed processed_images = 1 # loop through each image for ind, image in # get a timer start = time.time()'Analyzing results for image {ind+1} of {sum(}') if self._needs_processed[ind]: _LOGGER.warning(f'Image {ind}, {image.observation_date.isoformat()} needs to be processed still') continue # update the scene to this time if it is available if self.scene is not None: self.scene.update(image) # get the information we need about the detector (if it is available) if self.image_information_function is not None: electrons_to_dn, quantization_noise, read_noise, dark_current = self.image_information_function(image) else: electrons_to_dn = 1.0 quantization_noise = 0.0 read_noise = 0.0 dark_current = 0.0 # determine the bright spots in the image as points > 98% saturated bright = image > (image.saturation * 0.98) # clump bright spots into individual blobs with connected components _, __, stats, ___ = cv2.connectedComponentsWithStats(bright.astype(np.uint8)) for stat in stats: # filter out areas where the number of saturated pixels is less than 3 if stat[cv2.CC_STAT_AREA] < 3: bright[stat[cv2.CC_STAT_TOP]:(stat[cv2.CC_STAT_HEIGHT] + stat[cv2.CC_STAT_TOP]), stat[cv2.CC_STAT_LEFT]:(stat[cv2.CC_STAT_LEFT] + stat[cv2.CC_STAT_WIDTH])] = False # if there aren't any bright spots in the image then this image is invalid and likely corrupted, skip it if not bright.any(): _LOGGER.warning('invalid image, skipping') self.invalid_images[ind] = True continue # get the coordinates of the bright spots in the image (where bright is true) bright_coords: np.ndarray = np.transpose(bright.nonzero()[::-1]).astype(np.float64) # build the catalogue of bright spots # noinspection PyArgumentList bright_tree = cKDTree(bright_coords) if self.scene is not None: # determine which detections are actually due to the surface of any extended targets in the scene # compute the rays to trace through the scene, one for each unmatched point starts = np.zeros(3, dtype=np.float64) directions = self.sopnav.unmatched_extracted_image_points[ind], temperature=image.temperature ) rays = Rays(starts, directions) # do a single bounce ray trace from the camera to the body and then to the sun illums_inp, inter = self.scene.get_illumination_inputs(rays, return_intersects=True) # identify things that are in line with the illuminated portion of the extended targets and throw them # out # anything that has visible set to true means that the object is on the illuminated portion of the # target (at least, where we think the illuminated portion of the targets are) test: np.ndarray = illums_inp['visible'] # Now check to see where we intersected the body, but didn't make it to the sun. These are points on # the dark side of the targets (occulting). We are going to throw away the points on the bright side so # we can use ~test here to store only the ones we'll keep self.occulting[ind] = inter[~test]['check'] # throw out the points that are due to the illuminated targets self.sopnav.unmatched_extracted_image_points[ind] = \ self.sopnav.unmatched_extracted_image_points[ind][:, ~test] self.sopnav.unmatched_psfs[ind] = self.sopnav.unmatched_psfs[ind][~test] self.sopnav.unmatched_snrs[ind] = self.sopnav.unmatched_snrs[ind][~test] self.sopnav.unmatched_stats[ind] = self.sopnav.unmatched_stats[ind][~test] else: self.occulting[ind] = np.zeros(self.sopnav.unmatched_extracted_image_points[ind].shape[1], dtype=bool) # determine the distance from each remaining point to the nearest saturated pixel in the image self.saturation_distance[ind], _ = bright_tree.query(self.sopnav.unmatched_extracted_image_points[ind].T) # get the inertial unit vector from the camera through the detection inertial_vecs = image.rotation_inertial_to_camera.matrix.T @ self.sopnav.unmatched_extracted_image_points[ind], temperature=image.temperature ) # compute the right ascension and declination of the unit vectors in degrees self.bearing[ind] = np.array(unit_to_radec(inertial_vecs)) * RAD2DEG # prepare some storage lists self.summed_dn[ind] = [] self.summed_dn_count[ind] = [] self.max_dn[ind] = [] self.fit_chi2_value[ind] = [] self.integrated_psf_uncertainty[ind] = [] self.summed_dn_uncertainty[ind] = [] self.saturated[ind] = [] self.ra_sigma[ind], self.declination_sigma[ind] = [], [] self.x_raw_sigma[ind], self.y_raw_sigma[ind] = [], [] self.trail_length[ind] = np.zeros(len(self.sopnav.unmatched_psfs[ind]), dtype=np.float64) self.trail_principal_angle[ind] = np.zeros(len(self.sopnav.unmatched_psfs[ind]), dtype=np.float64) # compute the integrated psf DN for each detection self.integrated_psf[ind] = [psf.volume() for psf in self.sopnav.unmatched_psfs[ind]] # compute the jacobian matrix of the unit vector in the camera frame with respect to a change in the # pixel location jacobian_pixels_to_unit = self.sopnav.unmatched_extracted_image_points[ind], temperature=image.temperature ) # compute the jacobian matrix of the right ascension and declination with respect to a change in the # unit vector jacobian_unit_to_bearing = unit_to_radec_jacobian(inertial_vecs) # compute photometry for each detection # loop through the unmatched points and their psfs iterator: Iterator[Tuple[np.ndarray, IterativeGeneralizedGaussianWBackground]] = zip( self.sopnav.unmatched_extracted_image_points[ind].T, self.sopnav.unmatched_psfs[ind] ) for lind, (poi, psf) in enumerate(iterator): # get the indices into the image around the detection, checking that we're not too close to an edge rows = np.round(poi[1] + self._delta_row).astype(int) cols = np.round(poi[0] + self._delta_col).astype(int) check = ((rows >= 0) & (cols >= 0) & (rows < & (cols < rows = rows[check] cols = cols[check] # check to see if the pixels are saturated so we can set the flag dns = image[rows, cols].astype(np.float64) self.saturated[ind].append(dns.max() >= 0.98 * image.saturation) # subtract off the estimated background from the DN values bg = psf.evaluate_bg(cols, rows) dns -= bg # sum the dn, determine the number of pixels included in the sum, and get the max dn in the sub-image self.summed_dn[ind].append(dns.sum()) self.summed_dn_count[ind].append(check.sum()) self.max_dn[ind].append(dns.max()) # compute the average stray light to be the background minus the detector dn_offset at the center # of the detection avg_stray_light = psf.evaluate_bg(*psf.centroid) - self.dn_offset # compute the noise level for the summed DN # compute the square of the shot noise in electrons sigma_shot2 = dns / electrons_to_dn # compute the sum of the squares of the quantization noise, the read noise, # the noise due to the stray light, and the dark current in electrons extra_noise2 = (quantization_noise ** 2 + read_noise ** 2 + avg_stray_light / electrons_to_dn + dark_current) # compute the sum of the squares of the noise terms in electrons noise2 = sigma_shot2 + extra_noise2 # get the total noise in the sub-image in units of DN noise = np.sqrt(noise2.sum()) * electrons_to_dn # compute and store the signal to noise ratio for the detection self.sopnav.unmatched_snrs[ind][lind] = self.summed_dn[ind][lind] / noise # compute and store the noise level for the summed DN term in units of DN self.summed_dn_uncertainty[ind].append(np.sqrt(noise ** 2)) # compute the average noise per each pixel squared in units of DN pix_noise_avg2 = np.mean(noise2) * electrons_to_dn ** 2 # make the weighted covariance matrix for the estimated point spread function by multiplying by the # average noise per pixel squared psf_cov = psf.covariance / psf.residual_std**2 * pix_noise_avg2 # store the 1 sigma uncertainty in the estimated subpixel center self.x_raw_sigma[ind].append(np.sqrt(psf_cov[0, 0])) self.y_raw_sigma[ind].append(np.sqrt(psf_cov[1, 1])) # compute the jacobian of the integrated point spread function with respect to a change in the # estimated point spread function. Do this with finite differencing jacobian_integ_wrt_psf = np.zeros((1, psf_cov.shape[0]), dtype=np.float64) for perturbation_axis in range(psf_cov.shape[0]): pert_vec = np.zeros(psf_cov.shape[0]) psf_pert = deepcopy(psf) pert_vec[perturbation_axis] = 1e-6 psf_pert.update_state(pert_vec) positive_integ = psf_pert.volume() pert_vec = np.zeros(psf_cov.shape[0]) psf_pert = deepcopy(psf) pert_vec[perturbation_axis] = -1e-6 psf_pert.update_state(pert_vec) negative_integ = psf_pert.volume() jacobian_integ_wrt_psf[0, perturbation_axis] = (positive_integ - negative_integ)/(2*1e-6) # compute the variance on the integrated point spread function value in dn integ_cov = jacobian_integ_wrt_psf @ psf_cov @ jacobian_integ_wrt_psf.T # compute and store the uncertainty on the integrated point spread function in units of DN self.integrated_psf_uncertainty[ind].append(np.sqrt(integ_cov)) # finalize the chi^2 value for the point spread function fit quality by dividing by the DN uncertainty # in each pixel ignoring shot noise self.fit_chi2_value[ind].append(psf.residual_rss/np.sqrt(extra_noise2)) # compute the trail length and pa if extended psf # check if the semi-major axis is 3 times bigger than the semi-minor axis. # If so this is probably a streaked detection if psf.sigma_x / psf.sigma_y > 3: # the trail length is two times the semi-major axis (roughly) self.trail_length[ind][lind] = 2 * psf.sigma_x # determine the direction of the trail in ra/dec space # determine the direction of increasing right ascension in the image ra_dir: np.ndarray = image.rotation_inertial_to_camera.matrix @ radec_to_unit(*((self.bearing[ind].T[lind] + [0.02, 0]) / RAD2DEG)), temperature=image.temperature ) - self.sopnav.unmatched_extracted_image_points[ind][:, lind] ra_dir /= np.linalg.norm(ra_dir) # determine the direction of increasing declination in the image dec_dir: np.ndarray = image.rotation_inertial_to_camera.matrix @ radec_to_unit(*((self.bearing[ind].T[lind] + [0, 0.02]) / RAD2DEG)), temperature=image.temperature ) - self.sopnav.unmatched_extracted_image_points[ind][:, lind] dec_dir /= np.linalg.norm(dec_dir) # determine the principal axis line for the psf pa_line = np.array([np.cos(psf.theta), np.sin(psf.theta)]) # angle between pa_line and dec_dir is the trail orientation pa_theta = np.arccos(dec_dir @ pa_line) * RAD2DEG if pa_line @ ra_dir < 0: pa_theta += 180 # store the trail orientation self.trail_principal_angle[ind][lind] = pa_theta # transform the covariance of the estimated subpixel center into the unit vector covariance cov_unit = (image.rotation_inertial_to_camera.matrix.T @ jacobian_pixels_to_unit[lind] @ psf_cov[:2, :2] @ jacobian_pixels_to_unit[lind].T @ image.rotation_inertial_to_camera.matrix) # transform the covariance into the bearing covariance cov_rad = jacobian_unit_to_bearing[lind] @ cov_unit @ jacobian_unit_to_bearing[lind].T # extract the sigma values for the right ascension and declination from the covariance matrix self.ra_sigma[ind].append(np.sqrt(cov_rad[0, 0])) self.declination_sigma[ind].append(np.sqrt(cov_rad[1, 1])) # compute the rough magnitude of the detection using the summed DN if we were provided a magnitude function if self.magnitude_function is not None: self.magnitude[ind] = self.magnitude_function(self.summed_dn[ind], image) else: self.magnitude[ind] = np.zeros(len(self.summed_dn[ind]), dtype=np.float64) # now do all this again for the stars... if self.scene is not None: # determine which detections are actually due to the surface of any extended targets in the scene # compute the rays to trace through the scene, one for each unmatched point starts = np.zeros(3, dtype=np.float64) directions = self.sopnav.matched_extracted_image_points[ind], temperature=image.temperature ) rays = Rays(starts, directions) # do a single bounce ray trace from the camera to the body and then to the sun illums_inp, inter = self.scene.get_illumination_inputs(rays, return_intersects=True) # identify things that are in line with the illuminated portion of the extended targets and throw them # out # anything that has visible set to true means that the object is on the illuminated portion of the # target (at least, where we think the illuminated portion of the targets are) test = illums_inp['visible'] # Now check to see where we intersected the body, but didn't make it to the sun. These are points on # the dark side of the targets (occulting). We are going to throw away the points on the bright side so # we can use ~test here to store only the ones we'll keep self.star_occulting[ind] = inter[~test]['check'] # throw out the points that are due to teh illuminated targets self.sopnav.matched_extracted_image_points[ind] = \ self.sopnav.matched_extracted_image_points[ind][:, ~test] self.sopnav.matched_psfs[ind] = self.sopnav.matched_psfs[ind][~test] self.sopnav.matched_snrs[ind] = self.sopnav.matched_snrs[ind][~test] self.sopnav.matched_stats[ind] = self.sopnav.matched_stats[ind][~test] self.sopnav.matched_catalogue_star_records[ind] = \ self.sopnav.matched_catalogue_star_records[ind].loc[~test] else: self.star_occulting[ind] = np.zeros(self.sopnav.matched_extracted_image_points[ind].shape[1], dtype=bool) # determine the distance from each remaining point to the nearest saturated pixel in the image self.star_saturation_distance[ind], _ = bright_tree.query(self.sopnav.matched_extracted_image_points[ind].T) # self.sopnav.matched_rss[ind][:, 0] /= noise # get the inertial unit vector from the through the detection inertial_vecs = image.rotation_inertial_to_camera.matrix.T @ self.sopnav.matched_extracted_image_points[ind], temperature=image.temperature ) # compute the right ascension and declination of the unit vectors in degrees self.star_bearing[ind] = np.array(unit_to_radec(inertial_vecs)) * RAD2DEG # prepare some storage lists self.star_summed_dn[ind] = [] self.star_summed_dn_count[ind] = [] self.star_max_dn[ind] = [] self.star_fit_chi2_value[ind] = [] self.star_integrated_psf_uncertainty[ind] = [] self.star_summed_dn_uncertainty[ind] = [] self.star_saturated[ind] = [] self.star_x_raw_sigma[ind], self.star_y_raw_sigma[ind] = [], [] self.star_ra_sigma[ind], self.star_declination_sigma[ind] = [], [] # compute the integrated psf DN for each detection self.star_integrated_psf[ind] = [psf.volume() for psf in self.sopnav.matched_psfs[ind]] # compute the jacobian matrix of the unit vector in the camera frame with respect to a change in the # pixel location jacobian_pixels_to_unit = self.sopnav.matched_extracted_image_points[ind], temperature=image.temperature ) # compute the jacobian matrix of the right ascension and declination with respect to a change in the # unit vector jacobian_unit_to_bearing = unit_to_radec_jacobian(inertial_vecs) # compute photometry for each detection # loop through the matched points and their psfs iterator: Iterator[Tuple[np.ndarray, IterativeGeneralizedGaussianWBackground]] = zip( self.sopnav.matched_extracted_image_points[ind].T, self.sopnav.matched_psfs[ind] ) for lind, (poi, psf) in enumerate(iterator): # get the indices into the image around the detection, checking that we're not too close to an edge rows = np.round(poi[1] + self._delta_row).astype(int) cols = np.round(poi[0] + self._delta_col).astype(int) check = ((rows >= 0) & (cols >= 0) & (rows < & (cols < rows = rows[check] cols = cols[check] # check to see if the pixels are saturated so we can set the flag dns = image[rows, cols].astype(np.float64) self.star_saturated[ind].append(dns.max() >= 0.98 * image.saturation) # subtract off the estimated background from the DN values bg = psf.evaluate_bg(cols, rows) dns -= bg # sum the dn, determine the number of pixels included in the sum, and get the max dn in the sub-window self.star_summed_dn[ind].append(dns.sum()) self.star_summed_dn_count[ind].append(check.sum()) self.star_max_dn[ind].append(dns.max()) # compute the average stray light to be the background minus the detector dn_offset at the center # of the detection avg_stray_light = psf.evaluate_bg(*psf.centroid) - self.dn_offset # compute the noise level for the summed DN # compute the square of the shot noise in electrons sigma_shot2 = (dns / electrons_to_dn) # compute the sum of the squares of the quantization noise, the read noise, # the noise due to the stray light, and the dark current in electrons extra_noise2 = (quantization_noise ** 2 + read_noise ** 2 + avg_stray_light / electrons_to_dn + dark_current) # compute the sum of the squares of the noise terms in electrons noise2 = sigma_shot2 + extra_noise2 # get the total noise in the sub-window in units of DN noise = np.sqrt(noise2.sum()) * electrons_to_dn # compute and store the signal to noise ratio for the detection self.sopnav.matched_snrs[ind][lind] = self.star_summed_dn[ind][lind] / noise # compute and store the noise level for the summed DN term in units of DN self.star_summed_dn_uncertainty[ind].append(np.sqrt(noise ** 2)) # compute the average noise per each pixel squared in units of DN pix_noise_avg2 = np.mean(noise2) * electrons_to_dn ** 2 # make the weighted covariance matrix for the estimated point spread function by multiplying by the # average noise per pixel squared psf_cov = psf.covariance / psf.residual_std**2 * pix_noise_avg2 # store the 1 sigma uncertainty in the estimated subpixel center self.star_x_raw_sigma[ind].append(np.sqrt(psf_cov[0, 0])) self.star_y_raw_sigma[ind].append(np.sqrt(psf_cov[1, 1])) # compute the jacobian of the integrated point spread function with respect to a change in the # estimated point spread function. Do this with finite differencing jacobian_integ_wrt_psf = np.zeros((1, psf_cov.shape[0]), dtype=np.float64) for perturbation_axis in range(psf_cov.shape[0]): pert_vec = np.zeros(psf_cov.shape[0]) psf_pert = deepcopy(psf) pert_vec[perturbation_axis] = 1e-6 psf_pert.update_state(pert_vec) positive_integ = psf_pert.volume() pert_vec = np.zeros(psf_cov.shape[0]) psf_pert = deepcopy(psf) pert_vec[perturbation_axis] = -1e-6 psf_pert.update_state(pert_vec) negative_integ = psf_pert.volume() jacobian_integ_wrt_psf[0, perturbation_axis] = (positive_integ - negative_integ)/(2*1e-6) # compute the variance on the integrated point spread function value in dn integ_cov = jacobian_integ_wrt_psf @ psf_cov @ jacobian_integ_wrt_psf.T # compute and store the uncertainty on the integrated point spread function in units of DN self.star_integrated_psf_uncertainty[ind].append(np.sqrt(integ_cov)) # finalize the chi^2 value for the point spread function fit quality by dividing by the DN uncertainty # in each pixel ignoring shot noise self.star_fit_chi2_value[ind].append(psf.residual_rss/np.sqrt(extra_noise2)) # transform the covariance of the estimated subpixel center into the unit vector covariance cov_unit = (image.rotation_inertial_to_camera.matrix.T @ jacobian_pixels_to_unit[lind] @ psf_cov[:2, :2] @ jacobian_pixels_to_unit[lind].T @ image.rotation_inertial_to_camera.matrix) # transform the covariance into the bearing covariance cov_rad = jacobian_unit_to_bearing[lind] @ cov_unit @ jacobian_unit_to_bearing[lind].T # extract the sigma values self.star_ra_sigma[ind].append(np.sqrt(cov_rad[0, 0])) self.star_declination_sigma[ind].append(np.sqrt(cov_rad[1, 1])) # compute the rough magnitude of the detection using the summed DN if we were provided a magnitude function if self.magnitude_function is not None: self.star_observed_magnitude[ind] = self.magnitude_function(self.star_summed_dn[ind], image) else: self.star_observed_magnitude[ind] = np.zeros(len(self.star_summed_dn[ind]), dtype=np.float64) 'image {} of {} analyzed in {:.3f} seconds'.format(processed_images, sum(, time.time() - start) ) processed_images += 1 # print out the filtered results self.sopnav.sid_summary() # list to store all the tuples data = [] for ind, image in # if this is an invalid image skip it if self.invalid_images[ind]: continue # extract the filename from the image data filename = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(image.file))[0] # get the image utc time date_utc = image.observation_date.isoformat() # get the image et date_et = datetime_to_et(image.observation_date) # get the rotation quaternion from inertial to the camera rotation_quat = image.rotation_inertial_to_camera.q # make a list of all the different things we need to loop through to make it easier # noinspection SpellCheckingInspection zlist = [self.sopnav.unmatched_extracted_image_points[ind].T, # poi self.sopnav.unmatched_stats[ind], # stats self.max_dn[ind], # mdn self.summed_dn[ind], # sdn self.summed_dn_count[ind], # nsum self.bearing[ind].T, # rd self.sopnav.unmatched_psfs[ind], # psf list(zip(self.x_raw_sigma[ind], self.y_raw_sigma[ind])), # sigs self.fit_chi2_value[ind], # rss self.sopnav.unmatched_snrs[ind], # snr self.ra_sigma[ind], # rsig self.declination_sigma[ind], # dsig self.occulting[ind], # occ self.saturation_distance[ind], # dist self.magnitude[ind], # mg self.integrated_psf[ind], # ipsf self.trail_length[ind], # tl self.trail_principal_angle[ind], # tp self.integrated_psf_uncertainty[ind], # ipsfsig self.summed_dn_uncertainty[ind], # sdnsig self.saturated[ind]] # sat if not isinstance(, IterativeGeneralizedGaussianWBackground): raise ValueError('Must be IterativeGeneralizedGaussianWBackground to use package results currently') if self.create_hashed_index: max_length = int(np.log10(max(, max_length += 5 hash_format = f'{{}}_{{:0{max_length}.2f}}_{{:0{max_length}.2f}}' else: hash_format = '' # zip together the stuff we need to loop through and loop through it # noinspection SpellCheckingInspection for (poi, stats, mdn, sdn, nsum, rd, psf, sigs, rss, snr, rsig, dsig, occ, dist, mg, ipsf, tl, tp, ipsfsig, sdnsig, sat) in zip(*zlist): qcode = np.clip(np.round((np.clip(stats[cv2.CC_STAT_AREA], 1, 5) +*5 + np.clip(snr, 3, 15)/3)/3), 1, 5) if np.isnan(qcode): qcode = 0 # append a tuple with the requisite information if self.create_hashed_index: data.append((filename, date_utc, date_et, # image_file, mid_exposure_utc, mid_exposure_et poi[0], poi[1], # x_raw, y_raw sigs[0], sigs[1], # x_raw_sigma, y_raw_sigma rd[0], rd[1], # ra, dec rsig, dsig, # ra_sigma, dec_sigma stats[cv2.CC_STAT_AREA], mdn, # area, peak_dn sdn, sdnsig, nsum, # summed_dn, summed_dn_sigma, n_pix_summed ipsf, ipsfsig, # integrated_psf, integrated_psf_sigma mg, snr, # magnitude, snr str(psf), rss, # psf, psf_fit_quality occ, dist, sat, # occulting, saturation_distance, is_saturated tl, tp, # trail_length, trail_principal_angle qcode, # quality_code rotation_quat[0], rotation_quat[1], rotation_quat[2], rotation_quat[3], # rotation None, # star_id (None because these are unmatched)) hash_format.format(filename, *poi))) # hash id else: data.append((filename, date_utc, date_et, # image_file, mid_exposure_utc, mid_exposure_et poi[0], poi[1], # x_raw, y_raw sigs[0], sigs[1], # x_raw_sigma, y_raw_sigma rd[0], rd[1], # ra, dec rsig, dsig, # ra_sigma, dec_sigma stats[cv2.CC_STAT_AREA], mdn, # area, peak_dn sdn, sdnsig, nsum, # summed_dn, summed_dn_sigma, n_pix_summed ipsf, ipsfsig, # integrated_psf, integrated_psf_sigma mg, snr, # magnitude, snr str(psf), rss, # psf, psf_fit_quality occ, dist, sat, # occulting, saturation_distance, is_saturated tl, tp, # trail_length, trail_principal_angle qcode, # quality_code rotation_quat[0], rotation_quat[1], rotation_quat[2], rotation_quat[3], # rotation None)) # star_id (None because these are unmatched)) # make a list of all the different things we need to loop through to make it easier cat_id = zip(self.sopnav.matched_catalogue_star_records[ind].source, self.sopnav.matched_catalogue_star_records[ind].zone, self.sopnav.matched_catalogue_star_records[ind].rnz, self.sopnav.matched_catalogue_star_records[ind].index) # noinspection SpellCheckingInspection zlist = [self.sopnav.matched_extracted_image_points[ind].T, # poi self.sopnav.matched_stats[ind], # stats self.star_max_dn[ind], # mdn self.star_summed_dn[ind], # sdn self.star_summed_dn_count[ind], # nsum self.star_bearing[ind].T, # rd self.sopnav.matched_psfs[ind], # psf list(zip(self.star_x_raw_sigma[ind], self.star_y_raw_sigma[ind])), # sigs self.star_fit_chi2_value[ind], # rss self.sopnav.matched_snrs[ind], # snr [' '.join([str(x) for x in y]) for y in cat_id], # label, this is the star id value self.star_ra_sigma[ind], # rsig self.star_declination_sigma[ind], # dsig self.star_occulting[ind], # occ self.star_saturation_distance[ind], # dist self.star_observed_magnitude[ind], # mg self.star_integrated_psf[ind], # ipsf self.star_integrated_psf_uncertainty[ind], # ipsfsig self.star_summed_dn_uncertainty[ind], # sdnsig self.star_saturated[ind]] # sat # zip together the stuff we need to loop through and loop through it # noinspection SpellCheckingInspection for (poi, stats, mdn, sdn, nsum, rd, psf, sigs, rss, snr, label, rsig, dsig, occ, dist, mg, ipsf, ipsfsig, sdnsig, sat) in zip(*zlist): if self.create_hashed_index: data.append((filename, date_utc, date_et, # image_file, mid_exposure_utc, mid_exposure_et poi[0], poi[1], # x_raw, y_raw sigs[0], sigs[1], # x_raw_sigma, y_raw_sigma rd[0], rd[1], # ra, dec rsig, dsig, # ra_sigma, dec_sigma stats[cv2.CC_STAT_AREA], mdn, # area peak_dn sdn, sdnsig, nsum, # summed_dn, summed_dn_sigma, n_pix_summed ipsf, ipsfsig, # integrated_psf, integrated_psf_sigma mg, snr, # magnitude, snr str(psf), rss, # psf, psf_fit_quality occ, dist, sat, # occulting, saturation_distance, is_saturated 0, 0, 0, # trail_length, trail_principal_angle, quality_code rotation_quat[0], rotation_quat[1], rotation_quat[2], rotation_quat[3], # rotation label, # star_id hash_format.format(filename, *poi))) # hash id else: data.append((filename, date_utc, date_et, # image_file, mid_exposure_utc, mid_exposure_et poi[0], poi[1], # x_raw, y_raw sigs[0], sigs[1], # x_raw_sigma, y_raw_sigma rd[0], rd[1], # ra, dec rsig, dsig, # ra_sigma, dec_sigma stats[cv2.CC_STAT_AREA], mdn, # area peak_dn sdn, sdnsig, nsum, # summed_dn, summed_dn_sigma, n_pix_summed ipsf, ipsfsig, # integrated_psf, integrated_psf_sigma mg, snr, # magnitude, snr str(psf), rss, # psf, psf_fit_quality occ, dist, sat, # occulting, saturation_distance, is_saturated 0, 0, 0, # trail_length, trail_principal_angle, quality_code rotation_quat[0], rotation_quat[1], rotation_quat[2], rotation_quat[3], # rotation label)) # star_id # combine everything into a structured array if self.create_hashed_index: data = np.array(data, dtype=np.dtype(list(zip(['image_file', 'mid_exposure_utc', 'mid_exposure_et', 'x_raw', 'y_raw', 'x_raw_sigma', 'y_raw_sigma', 'ra', 'dec', 'ra_sigma', 'dec_sigma', 'area', 'peak_dn', 'summed_dn', 'summed_dn_sigma', 'n_pix_summed', 'integrated_psf', 'integrated_psf_sigma', 'magnitude', 'snr', 'psf', 'psf_fit_quality', 'occulting', 'saturation_distance', 'is_saturated', 'trail_length', 'trail_principal_angle', 'quality_code', 'x_inert2cam', 'y_inert2cam', 'z_inert2cam', 's_inert2cam', 'star_id', 'hash_id'], (object, object, np.float64, np.float64, np.float64, np.float64, np.float64, np.float64, np.float64, np.float64, np.float64, int, np.float64, np.float64, np.float64, int, np.float64, np.float64, np.float64, np.float64, object, np.float64, bool, np.float64, bool, np.float64, np.float64, int, np.float64, np.float64, np.float64, np.float64, object, object))))) # make the dataframe and store it self.detection_data_frame = pd.DataFrame(data) self.detection_data_frame.set_index('hash_id', inplace=True) else: data = np.array(data, dtype=np.dtype(list(zip(['image_file', 'mid_exposure_utc', 'mid_exposure_et', 'x_raw', 'y_raw', 'x_raw_sigma', 'y_raw_sigma', 'ra', 'dec', 'ra_sigma', 'dec_sigma', 'area', 'peak_dn', 'summed_dn', 'summed_dn_sigma', 'n_pix_summed', 'integrated_psf', 'integrated_psf_sigma', 'magnitude', 'snr', 'psf', 'psf_fit_quality', 'occulting', 'saturation_distance', 'is_saturated', 'trail_length', 'trail_principal_angle', 'quality_code', 'x_inert2cam', 'y_inert2cam', 'z_inert2cam', 's_inert2cam', 'star_id'], (object, object, np.float64, np.float64, np.float64, np.float64, np.float64, np.float64, np.float64, np.float64, np.float64, int, np.float64, np.float64, np.float64, int, np.float64, np.float64, np.float64, np.float64, object, np.float64, bool, np.float64, bool, np.float64, np.float64, int, np.float64, np.float64, np.float64, np.float64, object))))) # make the dataframe and store it self.detection_data_frame = pd.DataFrame(data)
[docs] def identify_hot_pixels_and_unmatched_stars(self): """ This method is used to attempt to autonomously identify detections due to consistent hot-pixels (where the same pixel is very bring in many images) or do to an unmatched star (where the same inertial direction is observed in multiple images). This method should only be used after a call to :meth:`package_results` as it works on the :attr:`detection_data_frame`. Detections labeled as possible stars or hot pixels will be given a quality_code of -1. Hot pixels are identified by searching for detections within 2 pixels of each other in the images that occur in multiple images (so the same x_raw, y_raw value in multiple images). If a x_raw, y_raw pair occurs in at least :attr:`hot_pixel_threshold` times then it will be labeled as a possible hot pixel. Unmatched stars are labeled by searching for detections with the same right ascension/declination (within 2*IFOV of the detector) in multiple images. If a ra, dec pair appears in more than :attr:`unmatched_star_threshold` times then it will be labeled as a possible star. Because both of these require things appearing in multiple images, these techniques are best used when there are a number of images that were processed together. If you are only processing a few images then you will likely not have much success with this method. """ # extract to a shorter name ufos = self.detection_data_frame # make sure package results has been called if ufos is None: raise ValueError('Must call package_results before this method') # ignore known stars quality_code_check = ufos.quality_code >= 1 # make groups based on the image that the detections were found in image_groups = ufos.loc[quality_code_check].groupby('image_file') # extract to a shorter name model = # compute the IFOV of the detector in radians ifov = np.arccos(np.product(model.pixels_to_unit([[(model.n_cols-1)/2, (model.n_cols-1)/2+1], [model.n_rows/2, model.n_rows/2]]), axis=-1).sum()) # make a list of kd trees to use to compare across images kd_trees = [] for _, group in image_groups: pixel_locations: np.ndarray = group.loc[:, ["x_raw", "y_raw"]].values # noinspection PyArgumentList kd_trees.append(cKDTree(pixel_locations)) # loop through the group again for first_ind, (first_file, first_group) in enumerate(image_groups): # initialize an array of counts for this image hot_pixel_counts = np.zeros(first_group.shape[0], dtype=int) direction_counts = np.zeros(first_group.shape[0], dtype=int) # loop through the other images for second_ind, (second_file, second_group) in enumerate(image_groups): if second_ind == first_ind: continue # identify x_raw, y_raw pairs that are within 2 pixels of each other between the images # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences pairs = kd_trees[first_ind].query_ball_tree(kd_trees[second_ind], 2) # add to the hot pixel count array where we found a pair within 2 pixels for matched_index, pair in enumerate(pairs): hot_pixel_counts[matched_index] += len(pair) # points where no matches were found are length 0 # compute the number of shared inertial directions between the images. Need to compute the distance in # ra/dec space so we can't use trees and need to brute force it unfortunately direction_counts += (radec_distance(first_group.ra.values.reshape(-1, 1)*DEG2RAD, first_group.dec.values.reshape(-1, 1)*DEG2RAD, second_group.ra.values.reshape(1, -1)*DEG2RAD, second_group.dec.values.reshape(1, -1)*DEG2RAD) < 2*ifov).sum(axis=-1) # make a boolean for this image/detections that were considered image_check = (ufos.image_file == first_file) & quality_code_check # update anywhere that is a possible hot pixel or unmatched star with a quality_code of -1 image_check[image_check] = ((hot_pixel_counts >= self.hot_pixel_threshold) | (direction_counts >= self.unmatched_star_threshold)) ufos.loc[image_check, "quality_code"] = -1
[docs] def remove_duplicates(self): """ Removes duplicates from the dataframe. Occasionally if many points are close to each other we might end up with duplicate detections. This method gets rid of them by looking for pairs of detections that are within 2 pixels of each other and only keeping the one with the better quality_code. """ # sometimes we might get duplicate detections from the same image. # This function gets rid of them remove = self.detection_data_frame.occulting.copy() remove[:] = False for image_file, grp in self.detection_data_frame.groupby('image_file'): # make a kd tree for points in this image # noinspection PyArgumentList kd = cKDTree(grp.loc[:, "x_raw":"y_raw"].values) # find all pairs separated by less than 2 pixels # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences pairs = kd.query_pairs(2) # loop through each pair and set it to be removed for pair in pairs: if grp.iloc[pair[0]].quality_code <= grp.iloc[pair[1]].quality_code: remove[grp.iloc[pair[0]].name] = True else: remove[grp.iloc[pair[1]].name] = True self.detection_data_frame = self.detection_data_frame.loc[~remove]
[docs] def save_results(self, out: str, split: bool = True): """ This method saves the results into csv files. It can optionally split the results by image file, creating a single file for each image. In this case, the out string should be a format string expecting 1 input, the name of the image file. :param out: the name of the csv file to save the results to. If ``split`` is ``True`` then this should be a format string expecting the name of the image file :param split: A flag specifying whether to split the output into a file for each image processed instead of 1 big file """ # if we are splitting into multiple files if split: # split according to image for image_file, grp in self.detection_data_frame.groupby('image_file'): # get the name of the file to save the results to out_file = out.format(image_file.strip('.fits').strip('.FITS')) # save the results to the file grp.to_csv(out_file, index=False) else: # just write out everything self.detection_data_frame.to_csv(out, index=False)
[docs] def clear_results(self): """ This clears all extracted UFOs/Stars from the instance with the exception of the :attr:`detection_data_frame` for memory purposes. Note that after calling this method, the attributes containing the results will all be blank again and you will only be able to access information from the :attr:`detection_data_frame` attribute.j """ number_images = len( self.invalid_images = [False] * number_images self._needs_processed = [False] * number_images self.summed_dn = [None] * number_images self.magnitude = [None] * number_images self.fit_chi2_value = [None] * number_images self.summed_dn_uncertainty = [None] * number_images self.saturated = [None] * number_images self.summed_dn_count = [None] * number_images self.max_dn = [None] * number_images self.bearing = [None] * number_images self.integrated_psf = [None] * number_images self.ra_sigma = [None] * number_images self.declination_sigma = [None] * number_images self.x_raw_sigma = [None] * number_images self.y_raw_sigma = [None] * number_images self.occulting = [None] * number_images self.saturation_distance = [None] * number_images self.trail_length = [None] * number_images self.trail_principal_angle = [None] * number_images self.star_summed_dn = [None] * number_images self.star_observed_magnitude = [None] * number_images self.star_fit_chi2_value = [None] * number_images self.star_summed_dn_uncertainty = [None] * number_images self.star_saturated = [None] * number_images self.star_summed_dn_count = [None] * number_images self.star_max_dn = [None] * number_images self.star_bearing = [None] * number_images self.star_integrated_psf = [None] * number_images self.star_ra_sigma = [None] * number_images self.star_declination_sigma = [None] * number_images self.star_x_raw_sigma = [None] * number_images self.star_y_raw_sigma = [None] * number_images self.star_occulting = [None] * number_images self.star_saturation_distance = [None] * number_images self.sopnav.clear_results()
[docs] def add_images(self, data: Union[Iterable[Union[PATH, ARRAY_LIKE_2D]], PATH, ARRAY_LIKE_2D], parse_data: bool = True, preprocessor: bool = True): """ This is essentially an alias to the :meth:`.StellarOpNav.add_images` method, but it also expands various lists to account for the new number of images. When you have already initialized a :class:`Detector` class you should *always* use this method to add images for consideration. The lists that are extended by this method are: * :attr:`invalid_images` * :attr:`summed_dn` * :attr:`magnitude` * :attr:`fit_chi2_value` * :attr:`summed_dn_uncertainty` * :attr:`saturated` * :attr:`summed_dn_count` * :attr:`max_dn` * :attr:`bearing` * :attr:`integrated_psf` * :attr:`ra_sigma` * :attr:`declination_sigma` * :attr:`x_raw_sigma` * :attr:`y_raw_sigma` * :attr:`occulting` * :attr:`saturation_distance` * :attr:`trail_length` * :attr:`trail_principal_angle` * :attr:`star_summed_dn` * :attr:`star_observed_magnitude` * :attr:`star_fit_chi2_value` * :attr:`star_summed_dn_uncertainty` * :attr:`star_saturated` * :attr:`star_summed_dn_count` * :attr:`star_max_dn` * :attr:`star_bearing` * :attr:`star_integrated_psf` * :attr:`star_ra_sigma` * :attr:`star_declination_sigma` * :attr:`star_x_raw_sigma` * :attr:`star_y_raw_sigma` * :attr:`star_occulting` * :attr:`star_saturation_distance` See the :meth:`.StellarOpNav.add_images` for a description of the valid input for `data` :param data: The image data to be stored in the :attr:`.images` list :param parse_data: A flag to specify whether to attempt to parse the metadata automatically for the images :param preprocessor: A flag to specify whether to run the preprocessor after loading an image. """ self.sopnav.add_images(data, parse_data=parse_data, preprocessor=preprocessor) if not isinstance(data, (list, tuple)): data = [data] for _ in data: self.invalid_images.append(False) self.summed_dn.append(None) self.magnitude.append(None) self.fit_chi2_value.append(None) self.summed_dn_uncertainty.append(None) self.saturated.append(None) self.summed_dn_count.append(None) self.max_dn.append(None) self.bearing.append(None) self.integrated_psf.append(None) self.ra_sigma.append(None) self.declination_sigma.append(None) self.x_raw_sigma.append(None) self.y_raw_sigma.append(None) self.occulting.append(None) self.saturation_distance.append(None) self.trail_length.append(None) self.trail_principal_angle.append(None) self.star_summed_dn.append(None) self.star_observed_magnitude.append(None) self.star_fit_chi2_value.append(None) self.star_summed_dn_uncertainty.append(None) self.star_saturated.append(None) self.star_summed_dn_count.append(None) self.star_max_dn.append(None) self.star_bearing.append(None) self.star_integrated_psf.append(None) self.star_ra_sigma.append(None) self.star_declination_sigma.append(None) self.star_x_raw_sigma.append(None) self.star_y_raw_sigma.append(None) self.star_occulting.append(None) self.star_saturation_distance.append(None) self._needs_processed.append(True)
# noinspection SpellCheckingInspection """ if __name__ == "__main__": import warnings # disable annoying attitude warnings warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', message='Non-unit length') warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=FutureWarning) logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format='%(asctime)s %(levelname)s:%(name)s:%(funcName)s:%(message)s', filename='/missions/orex/logs/ufo/ufo.log') # set the version of UFO version = 1.1 # disable annoying attitude warnings warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', message='Non-unit length') warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', message='peak too close') warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', message="solution didn't converge") warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', message="solution is diverging") warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', message="overflow") warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', message="Invalid jacobian") warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=FutureWarning) # build the cli parser = ArgumentParser(description='Find unidentified particles in OSIRIS-REx OpNav images') parser.add_argument('-c', '--camera', help='The camera file containing all of the images', default='./camera.dill', type=str) parser.add_argument('-m', '--meta_kernel', help='The meta kernel file to load into spice', default='./', type=str) parser.add_argument('-n', '--no_split', help="Don't split the output files by day", action='store_true') parser.add_argument('--shape', help='The shape model to use for rejecting points on the body', default='/missions/orex/opnav/common/shape_models/ola_v19_aligned/kdtree.pickle') parser.add_argument('--output', default='./csv_files/{}.csv', help='override the file to save to') # get the user specified arguments args = parser.parse_args() csv_file = args.output camera_file = # furnish the spice files spice.furnsh('/missions/orex/spice/') spice.furnsh(args.meta_kernel) spice.furnsh('/missions/orex/spice/') # Load in camera with open(camera_file, 'rb') as dillfile: camera = dill.load(dillfile) # make sure we have the most up to date states for the images camera.update_states() # change the camera model to use the "official" camera model if camera.cam_name == 'NavCam 1': camera.model.fx = 3473.26 camera.model.fy = -3473.321 camera.model.px = 1268.083 = 949.747 camera.model.a1 = 2.2933e-5 camera.model.k1 = -5.3766e-1 camera.model.k2 = 3.7526e-1 camera.model.k3 = -1.8368e-1 camera.model.p1 = -2.3432e-4 camera.model.p2 = 9.0875e-4 offset = 169.64 a_d = 714916 delta_temp = 1.1029 elif camera.cam_name == 'NavCam 2': camera.model.fx = 3462.530 camera.model.fy = -3462.532 camera.model.px = 1309.530 = 968.487 camera.model.a1 = 1.9876e-5 camera.model.k1 = -5.3831e-1 camera.model.k2 = 3.8214e-1 camera.model.k3 = -2.0281e-1 camera.model.p1 = 6.2239e-4 camera.model.p2 = -1.2388e-4 offset = 170.63 a_d = 226648 delta_temp = -0.04422 else: print("warning, couldn't update to kinetx model...") offset = 155 a_d = 0 delta_temp = 0 # only process long exposure images camera.only_long_on() # buld the opnav scene # determine the location of the shape info file path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(args.shape)) info_file = os.path.join(path, 'shape_info.txt') # load the pck for the shape file if it was found if os.path.exists(info_file): with open(info_file, 'r') as ifile: pck = None for line in ifile: if 'Pole:' in line: pck = line.split(':')[1].strip() print('loading pck {}'.format(pck)) spice.furnsh(pck) args.pck = pck break if pck is None: print('warning: no pole information found for shape model') # load the shape file bennukd.load(args.shape) # generate the scene opnav_scene = scene.Scene(target_objs=[bennuautoobj], light_obj=sunautoobj) # build the sopnav object ip_kwargs = {"denoise_flag": True, 'return_stats': True, 'save_psf': True, 'centroiding': IterativeGeneralizedGaussianWBackground, 'reject_saturation': False, 'image_flattening_noise_approximation': 'LOCAL'} sid_kwargs = {'use_mp': True} sopnav = StellarOpNav(camera, image_processing_kwargs=ip_kwargs, star_id_kwargs=sid_kwargs) # build the ufo object ufo = UFO(sopnav, opnav_scene, offset, a_d, delta_temp, version) # estimate the attitude ufo.update_attitude() # find the ufos ufo.find_ufos() # prepare the results for writing ufo.package_results() # write out the results ufo.save_results(args.output, split=(not args.no_split)) # clear out spice and finish spice.kclear() """