


This method packages information about UFOs (and matched stars) into attributes in this class and as a Pandas DataFrame that can be stored to any number of table formats.

You should have called find_ufos() before calling this method.

Specifically, the results for UFOs are stored into

  • bearing

  • ra_sigma

  • declination_sigma

  • fit_chi2_value

  • integrated_psf

  • integrated_psf_uncertainty

  • invalid_images

  • magnitude

  • max_dn

  • occulting

  • saturated

  • saturation_distance

  • summed_dn

  • summed_dn_count

  • summed_dn_uncertainty

  • trail_length

  • trail_principal_angle

  • x_raw_sigma

  • y_raw_sigma

  • attr:


  • attr:


  • attr:


  • attr:


  • attr:


In addition, the results for matched stars are stored into - star_bearing - star_ra_sigma - star_declination_sigma - star_fit_chi2_value - star_integrated_psf - star_integrated_psf_uncertainty - invalid_images - star_observed_magnitude - star_max_dn - star_occulting - star_saturated - star_saturation_distance - star_summed_dn - star_summed_dn_count - star_summed_dn_uncertainty - star_x_raw_sigma - star_y_raw_sigma - :attr: .StellarOpNav.matched_extracted_image_points - :attr: .StellarOpNav.matched_stats - :attr: .StellarOpNav.matched_psfs - :attr: .StellarOpNav.matched_snrs - :attr: .StellarOpNav.matched_snrs

Both star and UFO results are stored into a dataframe at detection_data_frame with Columns of




The file name of the image the detection came from as a string


The mid exposure time in UTC as a datetime


The mid exposure time in ET seconds since J2000 as a float


The x-sub-pixel (column) location of the centroid of the detection as a float


The y-sub-pixel (column) location of the centroid of the detection as a float


The x-sub-pixel location of the centroid of the detection formal uncertainty in pixels as a float


The y-sub-pixel location of the centroid of the detection formal uncertainty in pixels as a float


The right ascension of the detection in the inertial frame in degrees as a float. Note that this is the direction from the camera to the detection in inertial space, not the location of the detection in the celestial sphere.


The declination of the detection in the inertial frame in degrees as a float. Note that this is the direction from the camera to the detection in inertial space, not the location of the detection in the celestial sphere.


The formal uncertainty on the RA of the detection in units of degrees as a float


The formal uncertainty on the declination of the detection in units of degrees as a float


The area of the detection (number of pixels above the specified threshold) as an integer


The maxim DN value of the detection (minus the background term) as a float


The sum of the (normally) 5x5 grid of pixels surrounding the centroid of the detection in DN as a float


The formal uncertainty of the summed dn value in DN as a float. This is based off of the expected noise of the pixels where the detection was found at.


The number of pixels summed as an integer. This will nearly always be 25, unless the detection was very close to the edge of the image


The value of the integrated fit PSF for the detection in DN as a float.


The formal uncertainty of the integrated fit PSF for the detection in DN as a float


The computed apparent magnitude of the detector or 0, if no magnitude_function was given


The signal to noise ratio of the detection


The fit point spread function for the detection as a string


The quality of the PSF fit as a chi**2 parameter as a float


A boolean flag specifying whether this detection is between the camera and the dark region of an extended body


The distance between the centroid of this detection and the nearest blob of pixels with at least 3 pixels saturated


A boolean flag specifying if any of the pixels in the detection are saturated


The length of the trail of the detection if it is a trailed detection (or 0) in units of pixels as a float


The angle between the trail semi-major axis and the direction of increasing right ascension in the image in units of degrees as a float


The quality code of the detection. Attempts to give the detection a quality label of 1-5 with 5 being a detection in which there is strong confidence it is not just a noise spike. quality codes of 0 indicate detections paired to known stars. Quality codes of -1 indicate detections that may be hot pixels or un-matched stars. Quality codes of -1 will only be present after a call to identify_hot_pixels_and_unmatched_stars().


The x component of the quaternion that rotates from the inertial frame to the camera frame at the time of the detection as a float


The y component of the quaternion that rotates from the inertial frame to the camera frame at the time of the detection as a float


The z component of the quaternion that rotates from the inertial frame to the camera frame at the time of the detection as a float


The scalar component of the quaternion that rotates from the inertial frame to the camera frame at the time of the detection as a float


A string given the catalogue ID of the star this detection was matched to (if it was matched to a star).