


This method is used to attempt to autonomously identify detections due to consistent hot-pixels (where the same pixel is very bring in many images) or do to an unmatched star (where the same inertial direction is observed in multiple images).

This method should only be used after a call to package_results() as it works on the detection_data_frame. Detections labeled as possible stars or hot pixels will be given a quality_code of -1.

Hot pixels are identified by searching for detections within 2 pixels of each other in the images that occur in multiple images (so the same x_raw, y_raw value in multiple images). If a x_raw, y_raw pair occurs in at least hot_pixel_threshold times then it will be labeled as a possible hot pixel.

Unmatched stars are labeled by searching for detections with the same right ascension/declination (within 2*IFOV of the detector) in multiple images. If a ra, dec pair appears in more than unmatched_star_threshold times then it will be labeled as a possible star.

Because both of these require things appearing in multiple images, these techniques are best used when there are a number of images that were processed together. If you are only processing a few images then you will likely not have much success with this method.