
This module provides a working example state initializer callable for use with the ExtendedKalmanFilter.


A state initializer is a Callable object which takes in the initial Measurement instance and the Dynamics.State class object and returns an initialized Dynamics.State with position, velocity, covariance and other state parameters filled in. This callable can either be a function or a class which implements the __call__ method, although it is more typically implemented as a class to enable easy changing of parameters.


The process of initializing the state from a measurement will likely be different in every scenario, so the provided initializer really just serves as an example (taken from the OSIRIS-REx particle tracking code) for building your own. If your case is sufficiently similar to the OSIRIS-REx case then you can use this initializer directly (it is fully functional) by supplying an instance of it to the ExtendedKalmanFilter class.

