

class giant.ufo.measurements.Measurement[source]

This ABC defines the interface for a measurement that is expected by the ExtendedKalmanFilter class for a measurement.

To implement a new measurement type, simply subclass this class, implement the abstract methods and properties (plus whatever you need for the methods/properties) and then use it to feed measurements into the EKF.

abstract property covariance: ndarray

Returns the covariance of the measurement as a numpy array

abstract property observed: Sequence | ndarray | Real

Returns the observed measurement.

abstract property observer_location: State

Returns the state of the observer at the time the measurement was captured in the base dynamics frame

abstract property time: datetime

Returns the time of the measurement as a python datetime object

abstract property identity: Hashable

The identity of this measurement.

This is used primarily by the tracker to link measurement back to observation ids

Summary of Methods


This compares residuals computed using these measurement models.


Computes and returns the change in the predicted measurement given a change in the state.


Predicts what the measurement should be given the current state.