

UCAC4.dump_to_sqlite(database_connection, limiting_mag=20, use_tycho_mag=False, return_locations=False, return_mag=None)[source]

Use this to write the catalogue to a sqlite3 database in the GIANT format.

You can control what stars/data are included using the key word argument inputs. You can also have this return the star magnitude/locations for doing blending stars.

In general you should not use this directly. Instead you should use build_catalogue() or script build_catalogue.

  • database_connection (Connection) – The connection to the database the data is to be dumped to

  • limiting_mag (Real) – The maximum magnitude to include in the catalogue. This is based off of the APASM_V magnitude or the UCAC4 magm magnitude, depending on which is available

  • use_tycho_mag (bool) – This flag stores the magnitude from the Tycho2 catalogue for each star that is in the Tycho2 catalogue. Note that this will be very slow.

  • return_locations (bool) – This flag specifies to return locations for stars for doing blending

  • return_mag (Real | None) – This flag specifies to only return locations for stars that are brighter than this magnitude. If None then all stars are returned.


A dataframe of the dumped stars that meet the return_mag condition or None if return_locations is False

Return type:

DataFrame | None