

giant.catalogues.giant_catalogue.build_catalogue(database_file=None, limiting_magnitude=12, number_of_stars=0, use_tycho_mag=False, limiting_separation=0.04, blending_magnitude=8, ucac_dir=None)[source]

Build a sqlite3 catalogue from the UCAC catalogue for faster query times.

This function can be used to build a new GIANT catalogue (or overwrite an old one) from the UCAC4/Tycho2 star catalogues. Typically a user will not use this directly and instead will use the command line utility build_catalogue.

If you want to use this function, you can adjust how (and where) the catalogue is built by adjusting the key word arguments. Note that this will require downloading the UCAC4 catalogue (if it isn’t already available) and possibly the Tycho2 Catalogue. In addition, building the catalogue can take a long time, so you will want to have a period where you can leave this run for a while without interruption to ensure that the catalogue is built successfully and not corrupted.

  • database_file (Path | str | None) – The file to save the catalogue database to

  • limiting_magnitude (Real) – The maximum magnitude to include in the catalogue

  • number_of_stars (int) – The maximum number of stars that can be blended together in any group. To turn off star blending, set this to 0.

  • use_tycho_mag (bool) – A flag specifying whether to replace the UCAC4/APASM_V magnitudes with the Tycho VT magnitude. The Tycho VTMag is more accurate, but this can make things take even longer to compile so by default it is not used.

  • limiting_separation (float) – The maximum separation between stars for them to be considered for blending in degrees. Typically this should be set to around the IFOV on the detector you are considering.

  • blending_magnitude (Real) – The magnitude of the blended star for it to be included as a blended star in the catalogue.

  • ucac_dir (Path | str | None) – The directory containing the UCAC4 data files. This is passed to the UCAC4 class.