

Compute statistics on a shape contained in a giant kdtree saved to a pickle file.

The statistics computed include the center of mass, volume, surface area, Inertia matrix, center of mass relative inertia matrix, moments of inertia, rotation matrix to the inertia frame, and the center of mass offset in the inertial frame. They are printed to stdout, and optionally to a shape_info.txt file.


This script can take a long time and use a lot of resources for very high resolution shapes so be cautious.


This script loads some results from python pickle files. Pickle files can be used to execute arbitrary code, so you should never open one from an untrusted source.


Provide statistics about a giant shape model

usage: shape_stats [-h] [-g GM] [-n NAME] [-p POLE] [-i] shape

Positional Arguments


The shape file to describe

Named Arguments

-g, --gm

the gm of the body in km**3/s**2

Default: 398600.4418

-n, --name

The name to give the shape

-p, --pole

The tpc file defining the pole for this shape

-i, --shape_info

Create a shape info file for this shape. The name and pole options must be specified if this is used

Default: False

WARNING: This script loads some results from python pickle files. Pickle files can be used to execute arbitrary code, so you should never open one from an untrusted source.