

Create a mosaic image from GIANT cameras.

This experimental script is just for fun. It will create a mosaic image for a supply of grayscale images with come configurable parameters. Things are definitely not finalized so use at your own risk.


This script loads/saves some results from/to python pickle files. Pickle files can be used to execute arbitrary code, so you should never open one from an untrusted source.


Mosaic images

usage: mosaic_images [-h] [-t TARGET_OBJECT_FILE] [-s SCALE] [-o OUTPUT] [-w] [-c] [-m META_KERNEL] [-a MOSAIC_SCALE] [-g SUB_GRID_CHECK] [-r]
                     target_camera cameras [cameras ...]

Positional Arguments


The camera file containing the target image as the first image


The camera files containing the mosaic images

Named Arguments

-t, --target_object_file

The file containing the target and light source auto scene objects

-s, --scale

The scale value to scale up the target image by

Default: 5

-o, --output

The file to save the mosaiced to

Default: “./mosaiced.png”

-w, --show

show the mosaiced image in real time

Default: False

-c, --crop_mosaics

Crop the mosaics according to the predicted location of the body

Default: False

-m, --meta_kernel

the kernel file to load in spice

-a, --mosaic_scale

the value to scale the mosaics by

Default: 1.0

-g, --sub_grid_check

The number of sub grids to use

Default: 5

-r, --allow_rotation

Allow the mosaic images to be rotated

Default: False

WARNING: This script loads some results from python pickle files. Pickle files can be used to execute arbitrary code, so you should never open one from an untrusted source.