

Triangle32.get_albedo(self, point, face_index)

This method computes the albedo for a given intersect point and intersect face.

The albedo is computed using linear interpolation based on the barycentric coordinates of the intersect point.

If the intersect point does not actually correspond to the face_index then the results will be undefined.

Typically you do not need to worry about this method as the albedo is automatically computed when you use trace() or compute_intersect().

  • point (ARRAY_LIKE) – The 3d intersection point(s) in the current frame as a 3xn array

  • face_index (Union[int, ARRAY_LIKE]) – The index(ices) into the facet array giving the face(s) the intersect point(s) is(are) on


the albedo at the intersect point.

Return type:
