

static Scene.calculate_apparent_position(target, image, corrections)[source]

This method calculates the apparent position of objects in the scene in the camera frame optionally correcting for “LT” (light time), “S” (stellar aberration”, or “LTPS” (light time and aberration). Corrections can only be applied to scene objects with position and orientation functions defined

The target must be either specified in the inertial frame at the time of the image already or have a position function that places the object inertially when given a datetime

Note that this method will update the target location in place to be in the camera frame instead of the inertial frame.

  • target (SceneObject) – The target to place in the camera frame. Generally should be an SceneObject

  • image (OpNavImage) – The index of the image from the camera you want to place to object in

  • corrections (CorrectionsType | None) – The corrections to be applied when calculating the apparent position (only applied to scene objects with position and orientation functions defined)