
The opnav_class module provides an OpNav object that serves as the foundation for other high-level user interface objects throughout GIANT.

Essentially, the OpNav class serves as a container for both a Camera and ImageProcessing instance, and then provides aliases (in the way of properties) to be able to access a few of the attributes of these instances directly from the OpNav class instance.


In general, the OpNav class is not used directly in any setups. Instead, it is used as the super class for other high level user interface classes, such as StellarOpNav and RelativeOpNav. For instance, say we want to create a new high-level interface class called MyAwesomeNewOpNav. If we subclass the OpNav class when creating this new class then we automatically get a camera attribute, a image_processing attribute, and a few aliases to the attributes of the camera and image processing instances

>>> from giant.opnav_class import OpNav
>>> from import Camera
>>> class MyAwesomeNewOpNav(OpNav):
...     def __init__(self, camera, image_processing, image_processing_kwargs):
...         super().__init__(camera, image_processing=image_processing,
...                          image_processing_kwargs=image_processing_kwargs)
...         self.new_attribute = 2
>>> inst = MyAwesomeNewOpNav(Camera())
>>> hasattr(inst, 'camera')
>>> hasattr(inst, 'image_processing')



This serves as a container for Camera and ImageProcessing instances and provides aliases to quickly access their attributes from an instance of this class.