
giant.catalogues.meta_catalogue.GIANT_TYPES: List[Type] = [<class 'numpy.float64'>, <class 'numpy.float64'>, <class 'numpy.float64'>, <class 'numpy.float64'>, <class 'numpy.float64'>, <class 'numpy.float64'>, <class 'numpy.float64'>, <class 'numpy.float64'>, <class 'numpy.float64'>, <class 'numpy.float64'>, <class 'numpy.float64'>, <class 'numpy.float64'>]

This specifies the data type for each column of the GIANT star dataframe.

This is generally all double precision float values, though that could change in a future release.

This can be used with the GIANT_COLUMNS list to create a numpy structured dtype that mimics the Pandas DataFrame np.dtype(list(zip(GIANT_COLUMNS, GIANT_NAMES)))