
This module defines the abstract base class (abc) for defining GIANT star catalogues that will work for Stellar OpNav and camera calibration as well as the column definitions for the dataframe used to contain stars in GIANT.

The abc documents the required interface that must be implemented for each star catalogue for it to be fully functional in GIANT. As such, when you define a new catalogue in GIANT you should subclass this class and be sure to implement all of its abstract methods. You should only worry about this abc when you are defining a new catalogue. If you are using an existing catalogue then you can ignore this documentation and read the documentation for the catalogue you are using for more specific details.

The column definitions are stored as 2 module attributes GIANT_COLUMNS and GIANT_TYPES which specify the column names and the column types respectively of the dataframe used to store star records for use in GIANT.


To implement a full function GIANT catalogue, you must implement the following instance attribute

Instance Attribute



A boolean flag specifying whether to apply proper motion to the queried locations to translate them to the specified time before returning. Technically this isn’t actually required, but it is strongly recommended.

In addition, you need to implement the following method




A method which queries the catalogue for requested Ra/Dec/Mag of stars and, if requested, applies proper motion to translate those stars to the requested time.

So long as your class implements these things it will be fully functional in GIANT and can be used for star identification purposes.



This is the abstract base class for star catalogues that GIANT can use for star identification.



This specifies the name of the DataFrame columns used to store star observations in GIANT.


This specifies the data type for each column of the GIANT star dataframe.