
abstract CameraModel.compute_pixel_jacobian(vectors_in_camera_frame, image=0, temperature=0)[source]

This method computes the Jacobian matrix \(\partial\mathbf{x}_P/\partial\mathbf{x}_C\) where \(\mathbf{x}_C\) is a vector in the camera frame that projects to \(\mathbf{x}_P\) which is the pixel location.

This method is used in the LimbScanning process in order to predict the change in a projected pixel location with respect to a change in the projected vector. The vectors_in_camera_frame input should be a 3xn array of vectors which the Jacobian is to be computed for.

  • vectors_in_camera_frame (Sequence | ndarray) – The vectors to compute the Jacobian at

  • image (int) – The image number to compute the the Jacobian for

  • temperature (Real) – The temperature of the camera at the time the image was taken


The Jacobian matrix as a nx2x3 array

Return type:
