
abstract CameraModel.compute_jacobian(unit_vectors_in_camera_frame, temperature=0)[source]

This method computes the Jacobian matrix \(\partial\mathbf{x}_P/\partial\mathbf{c}\) where \(\mathbf{c}\) is a vector of camera model parameters.

The vector of camera model parameters contains things like the focal length, the pixel pitch, the distortion coefficients, and a misalignment vector. The unit_vectors_in_camera_frame should be a shape (m, 3, n) array of unit vectors expressed in the camera frame that you wish to calculate the Jacobian for where m is the number of images being calibrated. (These unit vectors should correspond to the pixel locations of the measurements when projected through the model).

In general this method will not be used by the user and instead is used internally by the calibration estimators in calibration.

  • unit_vectors_in_camera_frame (Sequence | ndarray) – A (m, 3, n) array of unit vectors expressed in the camera frame

  • temperature (Sequence | ndarray | Real) – The temperature of the camera to use for computing the Jacobian matrix. If temperature is an array it must be the same length as the first axis of the unit_vectors_in_camera_frame input.


A (n*2, o) (where o is the length of \(\mathbf{c}\)) array containing the Jacobian matrix

Return type:
