
This module provides utilities for visually inspecting calibration and alignment results.

Throughout this module, the visualizations created can either be displayed interactively on-screen or saved directly to a PDF file. To save to a PDF file, simply provide the optional argument pdf_name to each function. To display the plot interactively, leave the pdf_name argument alone or set it to None.

All of the functions in this module assume that at minimum the Calibration.id_stars() has been called. This means you can use many of these functions to generate prefit plots for comparison with post-fit plots if you so desire.

This module imports the pertinent functions from the stellar_opnav.visualizer module for convenience



This function generates a figure of the camera model's focal length temperature dependence.


This function produces a distortion map for the provided camera model.


This function plots the residual alignment errors per image as roll/pitch/yaw for both the estimated static and temperature alignments (if done).