


This method generate a summary of the star identification results overall and for each image and prints it to stdout.

The summary is a fixed width table with the following columns date, queried, q inside, q outside, poi, matched, m inside, m outside, unmatched q, u q inside, u q outside, u poi. The meaning of each column is specified in the following table:




The UTC observation date for the image this line corresponds to


The total number of stars that were queried from the catalogue

q inside

The number of queried catalogue stars that were within the FOV of the camera

q outside

The number of queried catalogue stars that were outside the FOV of the camera


The total number of points of interest that were identified in the image by the image processing algorithms


The total number of matched (identified) stars

m inside

The number of matched stars that fall within the field of view of the camera using the current attitude

m outside

The number of matched stars that fall outside of the field of view of the camera using the current attitude

unmatched q

The total number of unmatched catalogue locations

u q inside

The number of unmatched catalogue locations that fall inside of the field of view of the camera using the current attitude

u q outside

The number of unmatched catalogue locations that fall outside of the field of view of the camera using the current attitude

u poi

The number of points of interested that where identified by the image processing routines in the image that were not matched with a catalogue star.

This method also prints out a total row which sums each column using the same format.

There is one optional input for this method, width which specifies the width for each column of the table. You should not set this below 15 due to the length of the UTC date strings


width (int) – The width of the fixed width table columns in characters