
This module provides a subclass of the OpNav class for performing stellar OpNav and camera calibration.

Interface Description

In GIANT, calibration refers primarily to the process of estimating a model to map points in the 3D world to the observed points in a 2D image. This is done by estimating both a geometric camera model along with an optional pointing alignment between the camera frame and the base frame the knowledge of the camera attitude is tied to (for instance the spacecraft bus frame). For both of these, we use observations of stars to get highly accurate models.

The Calibration class is the main interface for performing calibration in GIANT, and in general is all the user will need to interact with. It is a subclass of the StellarOpNav class and as such provides a very similar interface with only a few additional features. It provides direct access to the ImageProcessing, StarID, stellar_opnav.estimators, and calibration.estimators objects and automatically preforms the required data transfer between the objects for you. To begin you simply provide the StellarOpNav constructor a Camera instance, either a ImageProcessing instance or the keyword arguments to create one, a StarID instance or the keyword arguments to creation one, the attitude estimation object you wish to use to perform the attitude estimation, the static alignment estimation object you wish to use to perform the static alignment estimation, the temperature dependent alignment estimation object you wish to use to perform the temperature dependent alignment, and the calibration estimation object you wish to use to perform the calibration. You can then use the Calibration instance to perform all of the aspects of stellar OpNav and calibration with never having to interact with the internal objects again.

For example, we could do something like the following (from the directory containing sample_data):

>>> import pickle
>>> from giant.calibration import Calibration
>>> from giant.rotations import Rotation
>>> with open('sample_data/camera.pickle', 'rb') as ifile:
...     camera = pickle.load(ifile)
>>> # Returns the identity to signify the base frame is the inertial frame
>>> def base_frame(*args):
...     return Rotation([0, 0, 0, 1])
>>> cal = Calibration(camera, alignment_base_frame_func=base_frame)
>>> cal.id_stars()  # id the stars for each image
>>> cal.sid_summary()  # print out a summary of the star identification success for each image
>>> cal.estimate_attitude()  # estimate an updated attitude for each image
>>> cal.estimate_calibration()  # estimate an updated camera model
>>> cal.calib_summary()  # print out a summary of the star identification success for each image
>>> cal.estimate_static_alignment()  # estimate the alignment between the camera frame and hte base frame
>>> cal.estimate_temperature_dependent_alignment()  # estimate the temperature dependent alignment

For a more general description of the steps needed to perform calibration, refer to the calibration package. For a more in-depth examination of the Calibration class see the following API Reference.



This class serves as the main user interface for performing geometric camera calibration and camera frame attitude alignment.