

class giant.utilities.stereophotoclinometry.Regress(file_name=None, spc_image_id=None, orig_image_name=None, camera_name=None, spacecraft=None, target_name=None, observation_date=None, ephemeris_time=None, n_rows=None, n_cols=None, focal_length=None, px=None, py=None, kx=None, ky=None, kxy=None, kyx=None, titv_mat=None, tpmi_mat=None, sf_pos_sc2obj=None, sf_camera_ra=None, sf_camera_dec=None, sf_camera_twist=None, pos_sigma=None, pointing_sigma=None, twist_sigma=None, nom_pos_sc2obj=None, nom_camera_ra=None, nom_camera_dec=None, nom_camera_twist=None, sun_dir=None, landmarks=None, lmk_body_fixed_vecs=None, lmk_body_fixed_vec_sigmas=None, lmk_observed_pixlines=None, lmk_pred_pixlines=None, lmk_jacobians=None, kernel_list=None)[source]

This class is used to read from SPC regress files.

The regress files summarise the results of performing AUTOREGISTER on a batch of images in a single text file. Typically this is used to ingest SPC landmark observables into navigation software.

When creating an instance of this class you can enter the file_name argument and the data will automatically be read from that file. Alternatively you can specify individual components of the object through key word arguments. If you provide both key word arguments and a file name then the key word arguments you specified will overwrite anything read from the file.

Currently this class does not support writing regress files.

  • file_name (Path | str | None) – The name of the regress file to read from

  • spc_image_id (str | None) – The name of the image file according to SPC

  • orig_image_name (str | None) – The name of original image file

  • camera_name (str | None) – The name of the camera

  • spacecraft (str | None) – The name of the spacecraft that hosts the camera

  • target_name (str | None) – The name of the observed target

  • observation_date (datetime | None) – The observation date in UTC

  • ephemeris_time (Real | None) – The observation in ephemeris seconds since J2000

  • n_rows (int | None) – the number of rows in the image

  • n_cols (int | None) – the number of columns in the image

  • focal_length (Real | None) – the focal length of the camera

  • px (Real | None) – The x component of the principal point of the camera

  • py (Real | None) – The y component of the principal point of the camera

  • kx (Real | None) – 1/pixel pitch in the x direction

  • ky (Real | None) – 1/pixel pitch in the y direction

  • kxy (Real | None) – skewness term xy

  • kyx (Real | None) – skewness term yx

  • titv_mat (list | None) – I don’t know

  • tpmi_mat (list | None) – Still don’t know

  • sf_pos_sc2obj (Sequence | ndarray | None) – the solved for position from the spacecraft (camera) to the target in km

  • sf_camera_ra (Real | None) – The solved for right ascension of the camera boresight in inertial?

  • sf_camera_dec (Real | None) – The solved for declination of the camera boresight in inertial?

  • sf_camera_twist (Real | None) – The solved for twist about the camera boresight in inertial?

  • pos_sigma (Real | None) – The 1 sigma uncertainty on the position (not sure if pre or post fit)

  • pointing_sigma (Real | None) – The 1 sigma uncertainty on the ra/dec pointing (not sure if pre or post fit)

  • twist_sigma (Real | None) – The 1 sigma uncertainty on the twist about the boresight (not sure if pre or post fit)

  • nom_pos_sc2obj (Real | None) – The nominal (original) position vector from the spacecraft to the target in km

  • nom_camera_ra (Real | None) – The nominal (original) right ascension of the camera boresight in intertial?

  • nom_camera_dec (Real | None) – The nominal (original) declination of the camera boresight in intertial?

  • nom_camera_twist (Real | None) – The nominal (original) twist about the camera boresight in intertial?

  • sun_dir (Sequence | ndarray | None) – The direction from the target to the sun in the camera frame

  • landmarks (list | None) – A list of landmarks identified in the image

  • lmk_body_fixed_vecs (list | None) – A list of landmark body fixed locations corresponding to the landmarks list in km

  • lmk_body_fixed_vec_sigmas (list | None) – A list of landmark body fixed location sigmas corresponding to the landmarks list

  • lmk_observed_pixlines (list | None) – A list of observed pixel and line (column, row) values for each landmark in the landmarks list

  • lmk_pred_pixlines (list | None) – A list of predicted pixel and line (column, row) values for each landmark in the landmarks list

  • lmk_jacobians (list | None) – Jacobian matrices of the landmark observables. (with respect to a change in the spacecraft state?)

  • kernel_list (list | None) – A list of spice kernels that were loaded by spc


The name of the Regress file this data was read from


the focal length of the camera

Corresponds to MMFL in the REGRESS file


The name of the image file according to SPC

Corresponds to IMAGE ID in the REGRESS file


The name of original image file

Corresponds to ORIGINAL NAME in the REGRESS file


The name of the camera

Corresponds to CAMERA ID in the REGRESS file


The name of the spacecraft that hosts the camera

Corresponds to SPACECRAFT ID in the REGRESS file


The name of the observed target

Corresponds to TARGET ID in the REGRESS file


The observation date in UTC

Corresponds to UTC in the REGRESS file


The observation in ephemeris seconds since J2000

Corresponds to ET SEC PAST J2000 in the REGRESS file


the number of rows in the image

Corresponds to NLN in the REGRESS file


the number of columns in the image

Corresponds to NPX in the REGRESS file


The x component of the principal point of the camera

Corresponds to CTR[0] in the REGRESS file


The y component of the principal point of the camera

Corresponds to CTR[1] in the REGRESS file


1/pixel pitch in the x direction

Corresponds to K-MATRIX[0][0] in the REGRESS file


1/pixel pitch in the y direction

Corresponds to K-MATRIX[1][1] in the REGRESS file


skewness term xy

Corresponds to K-MATRIX[0][1] in the REGRESS file


skewness term yx

Corresponds to K-MATRIX[1][0] in the REGRESS file


I don’t know

Corresponds to TITV MATRIX in the REGRESS file


Still don’t know

Corresponds to TPMI MATRIX in the REGRESS file


the solved for position from the spacecraft (camera) to the target in km

Corresponds to SC - OBJ VECTOR in the LITHOS section of the REGRESS file


The solved for right ascension of the camera boresight in inertial?

Corresponds to CAMERA RA in the LITHOS section of the REGRESS file


The solved for declination of the camera boresight in inertial?

Corresponds to CAMERA DC in the LITHOS section of the REGRESS file


The solved for twist about the camera boresight in inertial?

Corresponds to CAMERA TW in the LITHOS section of the REGRESS file


The 1 sigma uncertainty on the position (not sure if pre or post fit)

Corresponds to S/C POSITION SIG in the LITHOS section of the REGRESS file


The 1 sigma uncertainty on the ra/dec pointing (not sure if pre or post fit)

Corresponds to PNT SIGMA (DEG) in the LITHOS section of the REGRESS file


The 1 sigma uncertainty on the twist about the boresight (not sure if pre or post fit)

Corresponds to TWIST SIGMA (DEG) in the LITHOS section of the REGRESS file


The nominal (original) position vector from the spacecraft to the target in km

Corresponds to SC - OBJ VECTOR in the NOMINAL STATE section of the REGRESS file


The nominal (original) right ascension of the camera boresight in intertial?

Corresponds to CAMERA RA in the NOMINAL STATE section of the REGRESS file


The nominal (original) declination of the camera boresight in intertial?

Corresponds to CAMERA DC in the NOMINAL STATE section of the REGRESS file


The nominal (original) twist about the camera boresight in intertial?

Corresponds to CAMERA TW in the NOMINAL STATE section of the REGRESS file


The direction from the target to the sun in the camera frame

Corresponds to SOLAR UNIT VECTOR in the NOMINAL STATE section of the REGRESS file


A list of landmarks identified in the image

Corresponds to the lines with only 1 entry in the LANDMARKS: section of the REGRESS file


A list of landmark body fixed locations corresponding to the landmarks list in km

Corresponds to BODY-FIXED VLM in the LANDMARKS: section of the REGRESS file


A list of landmark body fixed location sigmas corresponding to the landmarks list

Corresponds to B-F VLM SIGMA in the LANDMARKS: section of the REGRESS file


A list of observed pixel and line (column, row) values for each landmark in the landmarks list

Corresponds to PX, LN OBSERVED in the LANDMARKS: section of the REGRESS file


A list of predicted pixel and line (column, row) values for each landmark in the landmarks list

Corresponds to PX, LN PREDICTED in the LANDMARKS: section of the REGRESS file


Jacobian matrices of the landmark observables. (with respect to a change in the spacecraft state?)

Corresponds to DPX/ in the LANDMARKS: section of the REGRESS file


A list of spice kernels that were loaded by spc

Corresponds to all entries following KERNEL LIST in the REGRESS file

Summary of Methods


This method reads data from a SPC REGRESS file and populates the attributes of this class with that data.