
This module provides a user interface class for detecting and tracking unidentified objects in monocular images.


The process of identifying and tracking unidentified objects in monocular images is complex. It involves extracting possible detections from images based only on the images themselves and then attempting to link those detections from image to image to create tracks. The end results is an autonomous system that is capable of capturing many observed particles with limited to no human interaction. For more details refer to the detector and ekf_tracker packages or to the paper at


The UFO class is the main interface for autonomous detection and tracking of objects in images in GIANT. It provides everything that a user will need to interact with for extracting detections and tracks, reviewing them visually, and saving the results to the disk. This includes access to the Detector and Tracker classes and their attributes. In addition methods are provides which package everything together and feed the results of the Detector into the Tracker for you so you don’t need to worry about how to transfer the data around. Finally, this also provides direct access to the ufo.visualizers module along with its classes/functions, making it easy to visually inspect and modify the results.

The typical workflow will be initialize the UFO class, call UFO.detect(), call UFO.track(), call UFO.save_results().

For a description of the tuning parameters that can be messed with refer to the Detector/Tracker documentation or the ufo documentation.



This class provides a simple user interface for doing the combined steps of detecting and tracking UFOs in images.