
This module defines an Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) to be used for tracking of non-cooperative targets as part of the ufo package.


An EKF is a filter which linearizes both measurements and the dynamics about the current best estimate of the state to estimate updates to the state based on ingested measurements. It is powerful and fast, but can occasionally be finicky when you have bad a priori conditions and the measurement/state are very non-linear. There are many great resources on EKFs and how they work available therefore we don’t go into details here.


This module defines a single class, ExtendedKalmanFilter, which implements the EKF. Generally you won’t interact with this class directly and instead will interact with the EKFTracker class from the ekf_tracker module. If you need more details on using this class directly refer to the following class documentation.



This class implements a simple extended kalman filter for processing measurements and estimating a state for a target that generated those measurements.