


This method saves the final ekfs to a csv file.

The files in the csv file are




The ID for the EKF. This is usually a UUID hash string


The length of the EKF (number of measurements it ingested)

residual std

The standard deviation of the post-fit residuals of the EKF

initial time

The UTC time of the initial state for the EKF

initial position x

The x position of the initial state for the EKF

initial position y

The y position of the initial state for the EKF

initial position z

The z position of the initial state for the EKF

initial velocity x

The x velocity of the initial state for the EKF

initial velocity y

The y velocity of the initial state for the EKF

initial velocity z

The z velocity of the initial state for the EKF

detection ids

A list of detection ids (dependent on the IDs of the UFO detections) separated by ‘|’


out (Path | str) – The file to save the csv to