

SolRadAndGravityDynamics.compute_state_dynamics(state, et_time, return_intermediaries=False)[source]

This computes the dynamics for just the “state” part of the state vector (not the covariance)

Optionally this can also return the distance from the CB to the spacecraft, the vectors from the central body to the other bodies, the vectors from the spacecraft to the other bodies, the distances from the central body to the other bodies, and the distances from the other bodies to the spacecraft if return_intermediaries is True.

The first component of the return is always a list of the dynamics for the state vector in order of position, velocity, cram.

  • state (ndarray) – The state vector at the current time

  • et_time (float) – The ephemeris time

  • return_intermediaries (bool) – A flag specifying whether to return the intermediate distances/vectors for use elsewhere


A list containing [dposition/dt, dvelocity/dt, dcram/dt]. Optionally return a second tuple containing (radial_distance_cb, position_cp_to_bodies, position_sc_to_bodies, radial_distance_cb_to_bodies, radial_distance_sc_to_bodies, sun_to_sc_position, sun_to_sc_distance)

Return type:

List[ndarray] | Tuple[List[ndarray], Tuple[float, List[ndarray], List[ndarray], List[float], List[float], ndarray, float]]