

This script provides a utility for converting a SPC set of Maplets into a GIANT feature catalogue for use with GIANT Surface Feature Navigation (SFN).


This script saves some results to python pickle files. Pickle files can be used to execute arbitrary code, so you should never open one from an untrusted source.


Generate a feature catalog for Surface Feature Navigation (SFN) containing locations of maplet topography files.

usage: spc_to_feature_catalogue [-h] [-f FILTER] [-o OUTPUT] [-d OUTPUT_DIR] [-m] [-u] shape

Positional Arguments


path to the shape file directory

Named Arguments

-f, --filter

a list of the landmark subset to be used

-o, --output

The file to save the results to

Default: “./spc_maps.pickle”

-d, --output_dir

The directory to save the feature files to

-m, --memory_efficient

Use the memory efficient triangles instead of the regular ones

Default: False

-u, --update

use existing kdtree if available

Default: False

WARNING: This script saves some results to python pickle files. Pickle files can be used to execute arbitrary code, so you should never open one from an untrusted source.