

Ingest a tessellated shape model and store it in a GIANT KDTree for use in GIANT relative OpNav processes.

In addition to building a KDTree for the ingested shape, this script also makes a “shape_info.txt” file, which contains statistics and information about the shape model. This file is not used explicitly in GIANT, but can be useful in operations environments to ensure that observations are tied to the proper shape model (see the “” script from getting started for an example).

If your shape model is in a format not understood by this script (currently basic OBJ, ICQ, and DSK formats) then you can either convert to one of these formats, or you can modify this script to add in the ability to read in your preferred format. Someday we hope to make a configurable option to make this easier, but we’re running out of time for version 1.0 right now…


This script saves the results to a python pickle files. Pickle files can be used to execute arbitrary code, so you should never open one from an untrusted source. While this scrip does not open a pickle file, we wanted to warn you about the results of using this script.


This script makes a shell call to dskexp, which may be automatically downloaded by this function if it doesn’t exist on your path. Unfortunately, NAIF provides no way to verify the dskexp executable, therefore, there is a small security risk if the naif website is hacked, however, this risk is the same as if you manually downloaded the dskexp function yourself.


Convert a shape model file to a GIANT KDTree

usage: ingest_shape [-h] [-p POLE] [-o OUTPUT] [-m MAX_DEPTH] [-c CONV] [-t TYPE] [-g GM] [-f] [-e] [-s] shape name

Positional Arguments


The shape file to convert


The name to give the shape

Named Arguments

-p, --pole

The tpc file defining the pole for this shape

Default: “NA”

-o, --output

The name of the output file to save the tree to

Default: “kdtree.pickle”

-m, --max_depth

The maximum depth to go to when building the tree

Default: 18

-c, --conv

scale the vertices by this amount (ie to convert m to km)

Default: 1

-t, --type

the type of the file to convert, defaults to being specified by the file extension

-g, --gm

the gm of the body

Default: 4.89e-09

-f, --fix_offset

Correct the com to cof offset

Default: False

-e, --memory_efficient

Use memory efficient triangles

Default: False

-s, --compute_statistics

Compute the statistics for the shape

Default: False

WARNING: This script loads/saves some results from/to python pickle files. Pickle files can be used to execute arbitrary code, so you should never open one from an untrusted source.