

giant.rotations.quaternion_to_euler(quaternion, order='xyz')[source]

This function converts a rotation quaternion to 3 euler angles to be applied to the axes specified in order.

This function works by first converting the quaternion to a rotation matrix using quaternion_to_rotmat() and then using the function rotmat_to_euler() to find the euler angles. See the documentation for those two functions for more information.

This function is vectorized so multiple quaternions can be converted simultaneously by specifying them as columns.

  • quaternion (Sequence | ndarray | Rotation) – The quaternion(s) to be converted to euler angles

  • order (str) – The order of the rotations


The euler angles corresponding to the rotation quaternion(s) acording to order

Return type:

Tuple[Sequence | ndarray | Real, Sequence | ndarray | Real, Sequence | ndarray | Real]