

class giant.relative_opnav.estimators.sfn.surface_features.VisibleFeatureFinderOptions(target_index=None, feature_list=None, off_boresight_angle_maximum=None, gsd_scaling=3, reflectance_angle_maximum=70, incident_angle_maximum=70, percent_in_fov=50)[source]

This dataclass serves as one way to control the settings for the VisibleFeatureFinder at initialization.

You can set any of the options on an instance of this dataclass and pass it to the VisibleFeatureFinder at initialization (or through the method VisibleFeatureFinder.apply_options()) to set the settings on the class. This class is the preferred way of setting options on the class due to ease of use in IDEs.

  • target_index (int | None) –

  • feature_list (List[str] | None) –

  • off_boresight_angle_maximum (Real | None) –

  • gsd_scaling (Real) –

  • reflectance_angle_maximum (Real) –

  • incident_angle_maximum (Real) –

  • percent_in_fov (Real) –

target_index: int | None = None

The index into the target list tor the scene object that contains the feature catalogue, or None to automatically deduce the index

feature_list: List[str] | None = None

A list of feature names to test against (useful for filtering if you only want to use a subset of features

off_boresight_angle_maximum: Real | None = None

The maximum angle between the boresight and the line of sight to a feature in degrees. This is useful to avoid overflows in the other checks by throwing things out that are way outside the field of view. The default (if left as None) is 1.5*camera_model.field_of_view

gsd_scaling: Real = 3

The ratio allowed between the ground sample distance of the camera and the ground sample distance of the feature.

reflectance_angle_maximum: Real = 70

The maximum reflectance angle (angle between the line of sight vector and the feature normal vector) in degrees.

incident_angle_maximum: Real = 70

The maximum incident angle (angle between the incoming light vector and the feature normal vector) in degrees.

percent_in_fov: Real = 50

The percentage of the feature that is in the field of view based on a bounding box test. This should be between 0 and 100

Summary of Methods