

SurfaceFeatureNavigation.compute_rays(feature_catalogue, feature_ind, temperature=0)[source]

This method computes the required rays to render a given feature based on the current estimate of the location and orientation of the feature in the image.

This method first determines which pixels to trace. If a circumscribing sphere is defined for the feature, the edges of the sphere are used to compute the required pixels; otherwise, the bounding box is used. The requested subsampling for each pixel is then applied, and the sub-pixels are then converted into rays originating at the camera origin using the CameraModel.

  • feature_catalogue (FeatureCatalogue) – The feature catalogue which contains the feature we are rendering

  • feature_ind (int) – The index of the feature in the feature catalogue that we are rendering

  • temperature (Real) – The temperature of the camera at the time the feature is being rendered


The rays to trace through the scene and the pixel coordinates for each ray as a tuple, plus the bounds of the pixel coordinates

Return type:

Tuple[Tuple[Rays, ndarray], Tuple[ndarray, ndarray]]